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Unique Crystal Wand Facial
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This fantastic, unique facial combines the healing energies of the earth in the form of crystals with a pure natural powerhouse of ingredients, creating a synergy effect to leave the skin polished, renewed, fresh and youthful.

The Natria range of products are packed with vitamins B, A C and E and also have botanical extracts. Major benefits are that the products include unique ingredients that reverse DNA damage caused by the sun. A special enzyme, micrococcus lysate, in Advanced Recovery Cream, enters the cells and repairs damaged DNA. The Skin Refining Serum has a renewal complex that increases the skin renewal by 25%. Skin is normally about 24 days old. NatriNew speeds up skin cell renewal from 24 to 18 days - making the skin look more youthful and hydrated. The toner is alcohol free and Triple Age Relief Cream is nature's answer to botox. It activates collagen and elastin production to decrease lines and wrinkles, plumping up the skin to improve colour and skin health. The Daily Defence Moisturizing Lotion has SPF15, so the face can be totally hydrated, whilst being protected against UVA and UVB rays. Ingredients used are vegetable based and no testing is carried out on animals.

This facial takes the client on a journey of total relaxation, where body, mind and soul meet. This bespoke healing facial works with two crystal wands and six additional crystals in unison with the Natria product range to give nutrition to the skin whilst creating harmony and balance to the inner soul. The crystals have a wonderful energy and each facial can be unique according to which range of crystal wands are used.

By Sally Todd of UK Holistics Cert Edt
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Sally Todd of UK Holistics Cert Edt


Biography: Sally Todd teaches 14 different courses throughout the year and has been successful in winning awards. 2006 UK Holistics was a Finalist in Customer Care Category for British Beauty & Spa Awards; and 2007 the Winner of Health & Beauty Training Awards in Complementary Therapies.

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Unique Crystal Wand Facial
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