Flower and Vibrational essences or remedies as they are sometimes known come in many forms. The most famous of these are Bach Flower Remedies which were first prepared by Dr Bach (pronounced "Batch") in the 1930s.
Dr Bach was a successful homeopathic doctor who devised a system of categorizing negative states of mind or emotional disharmony. These remedies are thought to work by enabling the body to balance negative feelings and thereby stimulate the body's own ability to heal or realign itself.
Bach Flower Remedies are made using the vibrational signatures of various flowers but today there are many more types of vibrational essences available. It is possible to buy gem or crystal essences, tree essences, colour essences and even animal essences.
Producing a vibrational essence is a highly intuitive process which is usually involves a meditative contact with the flower, crystal or whatever the chosen medium is. Many producers develop their own way of creating an essence but the most well known method is the ‘Sun Method’ used by Edward Bach. This involves placing a bowl of spring water containing the crystal, flower, or whatever the essence is to carry the vibration of, in the sun for 3-8 hours. During this process, which is known as ‘solarisation’, the energy signature is transmitted and held in the spring water as a memory. Much scientific debate has raged over whether water is able to contain a memory and the work of scientist Jacques Benveniste and Masaru Emoto – “Messages from Water” are beginning to prove what essence producers have known all along.
Once this process has taken place, brandy or some other preservative is added to create the ‘Mother Tincture’. This is further diluted to create a ‘Stock Essence’. Stock Essences are then diluted to create the final dilution known as the ’Dosage’ concentrate.
When purchasing an essence it is always advisable to check whether it is stock or dosage – sometimes an essence can seem expensive but when you compare stock to doseage in terms of the dilution you might find that the more expensive is actually cheaper as it will last longer.
Many essences are made from flowers but nowadays there is a vast range of essences available which also incorporate crystals, sound, colour and so on.
By Shirley O'Donoghue Member British Flower & Vibrational Essence Association
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