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What Is Kinergetics Kinesiology & TMJ Jaw Pain Relief Energy Healing Self Healing Treatment
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I am often asked "What is the difference is between Kinergetics and Kinesiology?" Well, Kinergetics is Kinesiology - but another modality or type of Kinesiology. Kinergetics was developed by Melbourne Kinesiologist Philip Rafferty back in 1991. After studying and training in various modalities of Kinesiology, Philip then attended a Reiki workshop after years of receiving Reiki treatments.

After learning to work with the healing energy in Reiki, Philip then wondered how he could put "healing energy" together with Kinesiology. He found that muscles which were unlocked would then lock after sending energy directly into the related organ, a simple experiment which proved healing energy actually worked. After some time researching and experimenting, he finally come up with the concept of switching people's "Healing Energy" on with an affirmation, combined with a Chi Gung technique of hitting the Heart Chakra with energy. This formed the basis the Kinergetics energetic correction, which provides long lasting and powerful corrections. During the time I have studied Kinesiology, I have come to realise just what a clever man Philip has been in putting Kinergetics together. He has taken the "best of the best" of Kinesiology and brought it together in a very "user-friendly" way.

This not only gives Kinesiologists, but anyone using any other Healing modalites, a system in which they can use to bring all they have learnt together, in a very Creative way. Kinergetics combines many other modalities of Kinesiology such as Touch for Health, Educational Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, into a simple user-friendly system. Kinergetics can be learnt by both experienced practitioners and absolute beginners. It has been designed for both fast learners and slow learners as it caters for people at all levels. Kinergetics is also the only workshop I know of that allows you to come back and repeat for only 20% of the course fee!!! So, if you didn't quite get everything the first time, you can come back and repeat the workshops as often as you like.

Kinergetics was my first introduction to Kinesiology back in 1991 when Philip Rafferty first developed this wonderfully powerful system. After completing my Holistic Diploma in Kinesiology and spending many more hours attending training in Kinesiology, I still work with Kinergetics to produce the very powerful results I see in my clients each week. Kinergetics can assist with reducing Pain, clearing Stress, correcting Allergies, sports Flexibility, Jaw problems (TMD - Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction), clearing Toxicity from chemicals, mercury and heavy metals, improve water assimilation and correct dehydration, clear sabotages, assist us in achieving our goals, correct and balance Candida, clear spiritual and metaphysical imbalances, and much, much more.

The RESET Jaw Pain Relief Treatment originally stems from the Kinergetics workshops. RESET Jaw Pain Relief Treatment is simply sending healing energy into the muscles and ligaments that relate to the Jaw. In turn this TMJ Jaw Pain Relief Treatment balances all the muscles in the body, assists with Hydration, balances Nerves, Meridians and Hormones, stabilises Joints and eases Pain, assists with Brain Integration, Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties, and more. This is a home treatment can done by anyone, in the comfort of their own home and does not require any skills - even children can do this.

This simple TMJ Jaw Relief Treatment manual is easy to follow, has very clear instructions and colour photos. Get you family and friends to join in. Suitable for Healthcare Professionals as there is a full Wall Colour Chart available. For further information regarding the Kinergetics and RESET TMJ Jaw Pain Relief Treatment go to http://www.tmjtreatment.net.au

By Karen Winter Dip.HSc.Kin
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Biography Of Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin.

It was after experiencing amazing results with Kinesiology and through my own understanding after recovering from a debilitating illness, which gave me the desire to study Kinesiology and to help others.

From my extensive training, personal experience and working with clients for some 12 years, I have developed an excellent reputation for my ability to heal others on many levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

I hold a “Diploma of Health Sciences in Holistic Kinesiology” which I obtained from the Kinesiology College of Energetic Sciences in Melbourne, Australia. I am Registered with the Australian Kinesiology Association, the Australian Traditional Medicine Society, and a Practitioner & Instructor Member of the Kinergetics National Association. I am also trained as a Neurolink and N.A.E.T. Allergy Elimination Technique practitioner.

I have been seeing clients since 1992 and regularly teach and practice in Australia and overseas.

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What Is Kinergetics Kinesiology & TMJ Jaw Pain Relief Energy Healing Self Healing Treatment?

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