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What is Bio Energy Healing
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Bioenergy Healing is a dynamic treatment that uses hands-on and hands-off techniques to scan your body's electrical circuitry system.

These unique techniques can access and positively affect your body's physiological and psychological systems ability to function on an enhanced level.

RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing techniques pinpoints your primary blockage points that are the root cause of each of your physical and psychological: illnesses, injuries, issues, conditions and symptoms.

Due to the use, abuse, misuse, disuse and lack of servicing that your body's systems has to endure during a life-time, these blockages in the your body's circuitry causes your body to work in an adaptive and less efficient way. Similarly it has a limited ability to heal, repair and recover.

Bioenergy Healing dynamic techniques can:

·Re-wire your body's circuitry system and brain;

·Press some master reset buttons;

·Release memory patterns [physical and psychological];

·(Re-) activate your body's healing and repair mechanisms;

·Enhance cellular regeneration;

·Enhance your body's ability to function and repair: effectively, efficiently and preventatively

Most importantly without the you having to address on a cognitive level .... the why's, when's and how's!!!
The unique and powerful tool that Bioenergy Healing techniques use at all stages of treatment is the full body scan with the eyes and hand.
Scanning is used to:

·Pinpoint the Primary Blockage Points that need to be treated on the day of the treatment, rather than determining it on your case history or past treatment.

·Pace and prioritise the treatment rather than relying on text-book treatments or body maps. This is known as the Jigsaw Affect.

·Manipulate the blocked points with the finger to send messages to your brain to (re-) activate your body's healing and repair mechanisms along this blockage line.

·Enhance neuron communication [re-wiring of your brain] and your body's neurological system.

·Stretch Energy . This technique can:

- Defragmentate your body's physiological and psychological systems.
- Release the memory patterns on a cellular [physical], neurological and psychological [mind] levels.


Bio Energy Healing Clinic
Michael Cohen, founder of the Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation is an acknowledged expert in the field of Bioenergy Healing. His Bioenergy Healing Clinic in London W1 specialises in treating debilitating, difficult and long-term symptoms.

Bioenergy Healing is a non-invasive, hands-on/off technique that is used to access your body's energy circuitry system, to enhance dramatically your own body's ability to repair and function.

The dynamic and unique RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing techniques utilise the eyes and hands to scan and manipulate your body's electrical circuitry system. This can have a fundamental affect in bringing order to your body's cells in respect of your physical symptoms, while on a psychological and emotional level can transform your perception of your world by way of re-wiring your brain.

Do you want to...?

·Overcome debilitating, difficult & long-term symptoms.

·Increase your body's ability to repair & heal itself.

·Move beyond your hyper-sensitivities & intolerances.

·Overcome anxiety, stress & depressive thoughts.

·Move beyond physical, energy & emotional blockages.

·Overcome the root cause that manifests as pain in your body.

·Function effectively in your day-to-day life.

·Feel Connected.

·Break through your boundaries & limitations and realise your full potential.

What is Bioenergy going to do for you?

Bio-Energy Healing is a single source of treatment that works beyond the textbook - addressing you as an individual. It is suitable and safe for both adults and children and can help you to achieve a heightened level of results.

Bio Energy Healing uses dynamic techniques that can pinpoint the root cause of your issues. It addresses the entwinement of your mind & body and how each affects the other.

Treatment can enable you to: recover from long-term chronic and difficult symptoms; move you beyond your blockages; and enhance recovery levels.

There is no analysing, no talk therapy, no journeying into the past - all the work is in the here and now!


By Michael Cohen Founder of the Bioenergy Healing research Foundation
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Michael Cohen Founder of the Bioenergy Healing research Foundation

Having established his treatment clinic, Michael subsequently founded the Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation for training and research. His ongoing exploratory and experimental approach to his work at the cutting edge of Bio-energy medicine and healing treatment, has seen the techniques continue to enhance and evolve into RaphaYad.

Most importantly they have led to the extraordinary high level of results and continues to push the boundaries of human: rehabilitation, development and potential.

Training Courses
Total : (29)
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Bio Energy Apprenticeship Practitioner Training Course
Bio Energy Healing Foundation Training Course - June 2009
Bio Energy Healing Foundation Training Course - March 2009
Bio Energy Healing Foundation Training Course - September 2009
Bio Energy Healing Foundation Training Course- November 2009
Bioenergy Healing - OPEN SESSION
Bioenergy Healing - The Revelations and Techniques
Bioenergy Healing Foundation Training Course
Distance Healing Revealed with Bioenergy Healing expert Michael Cohen
Free Live Talk Show - 'Fear is Overwhelming Me'
FREE Live Talk Show - 'Overcoming M.E., Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
FREE Live Talk Show- Can you learn Bioenergy Healing Techniques?
Free TELESEMINAR - 'Stuck in a Rut' and Moving Beyond
FREE Teleseminar on Overcoming Anxiety & Stress
Natural EYE Vision Course with Bioenergy Healing
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Foundation Workshop
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Foundation Workshop
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Foundation Workshop
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Foundation Workshop
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Foundation Workshop - November
RaphaYad Bioenergy Practitioner Training Course
RaphaYad Bioenergy Treatment Foundation Workshop
RaphaYad Bioenergy Treatment Foundation Workshop
RaphaYad™ Bioenergy Healing Overseas Training Retreat
The Bioenergy Healing Natural Eye Vision Workshop
The Chakra Workshop
You Can Heal Yourself
YOU Can Heal Yourself
YOU can HEAL yourself with Bioenergy Healing course-- Nov 2009
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