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What is Classical Kinesiology
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Kinesiology is a means of assessing imbalances in the body and of finding the best therapy to resolve that problem. Muscle response is tested in order to obtain this information from the body itself. Kinesiology, used as an assessment tool, takes out the guesswork that can be involved in choosing remedies or employing other healing methods.

Kinesiologists are taught the principles and rules of how to assess the person's health problems and how to apply techniques for correcting and balancing the body's systems. These techniques are pulled from many therapies including Acupuncture, Chiropractic (excluding manual bone adjustments), Nutritional therapy, Herbology and flower and gem essence therapy - to name a few. Kinesiology can be adopted by an existing health-care practitioner as an invaluable adjunct to use with their existing therapy.

What is Classical Kinesiology?
Classical kinesiology has its roots in Applied Kinesiology. In the 1960's, chiropractor George Goodheart demonstrated the links between muscle response and energy circuits in the body. He determined that each muscle has its own communication or wiring with a circuit in the body. He found that anything out of balance in that circuit would affect a muscle that shared the same 'wiring system'. He would get an accurate reading from muscle testing as to where imbalances in the body were occurring and then evaluate what the best kind of treatment would be to rectify these imbalances. This meant that everyone who came into his clinic would receive tailor-made treatments.

He used many kinds of therapies to address their health problems. He might have massaged reflex points on the body, held acupuncture points, made a spinal adjustment, given a nutrient or carried out an emotional diffusion technique. He called this Applied Kinesiology because he was applying the information gathered by studying muscle response (kinesiology means 'study of movement').

He became famous for being able to solve health problems that no one else could and taught these techniques to chiropractors, osteopaths, medical doctors and dentists. Since those early days much research, including clinical trials, has been done to verify the repeatability and effectiveness of Applied Kinesiology techniques.

This investigative therapy now includes new techniques that are being discovered all the time. Kinesiology is now renown for being able to uncover underlying health problems that are difficult to find by any other means. All other kinesiology systems have their roots in Goodheart's work.

Classical Kinesiology provides fully trained practitioners. These therapists are very skilled in muscle testing. Applied Kinesiology, although using the same kind of techniques is taught as an adjunct for existing therapists such as doctors, chiropractors or dentists.

What is the difference between Classical Kinesiology and other Kinesiology systems? Some systems of kinesiology specialise in the emotional aspects of health or work primarily with energy balancing techniques. Classical Kinesiology is eclectic in its approach and brings into play many different types of treatment procedures as well as those above. Classical kinesiology is based on Goodheart's original concepts. It appeals to people who prefer a more 'orthodox' approach to the therapy.

Therapists trained in this system are more likely to use a nutritional approach and specialise in addressing problems affected by candida, parasites and blood sugar imbalances. They do also use methods to help resolve acupuncture meridian, emotional and musculo-skeletal problems. All health problems can be addressed using this system. Unlike some systems of kinesiology, Classical Kinesiology does not use muscle testing for dowsing i.e. it does not ask the body questions and use the arm as an indicator for 'yes/no' answers. People trained in Classical Kinesiology have a very solid foundation that allows them to confidently move on to encompass other more specialised systems of kinesiology into their work.

The main difference between Applied Kinesiology and Classical Kinesiology is that Applied Kinesiology is taught in post - graduate training and used as an adjunct to other therapies such as chiropractic or osteopathy. Trained therapists are more likely to use this as their primary therapy and will have gone through an academically orientated training programme that would include extensive anatomy & physiology and clinical medicine. They also use methods to determine the most effective treatments to help resolve many other health problems.

By Mrs Terry Larder
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What is Classical Kinesiology?

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