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What is a Mind Body Spirit Detox
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Tags: Mind body spirit detox, healing retreats, healing retreats Sandra Hillawi

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We all know about juice fasting, raw foods, herbs and colonics for cleansing the physical body, the body detox.

So what's a Mental or Spiritual Detox?

Detox is a strange phrase to use really for the mind and spirit. Detox is used more commonly with a physical cleanse, to purify the body of accumulated wastes and toxins we consume with our food and from our environment, so that our body functions better and we feel more alive and energised.

When we talk about a mental or spiritual detox what we are really talking about is our life. What we've been experiencing in our lives, how well we have digested it, how much of the past is still hanging around in our system and effecting our mental and spiritual wellbeing. We may not even be consciously aware of what events in the past are causing us to think and behave in certain ways.

A mental and spiritual detox is therefore about cleansing our energy system, releasing emotions and stress past and present which is held as blockages in our human energy system, stopping its healthy functioning of feeling alive, bright, happy, free and loving life, the way we are meant to be feeling. That's what flow feels like!

Thats what our healing retreats are about!

My favourite tools for unblocking and cleansing our energy system of the stuck energies of life are EFT and EmoTrance. With EFT we tap acupressure points until all that energy releases and our distress old or new melts away leaving inner calm and relaxation. With EmoTrance we pay attention to the physical feelings on the body and we ‘soften and flow' them away with our intention and healing hands.

Having been a Colonic Therapist and Master Herbalist for several years I have understood well how physical blockage can cause physical health problems and that natural healing is about getting the body processes flowing again and putting the right fuel in. Basically, the right nutrition plus removing blockages to create flow allows the body to heal itself.

As a practitioner in energy psychology I see it's the same process. We simply find where our energy is blocked, accessing this by our disturbing emotions and feelings about life, and we simply help the energy to flow and release to feel the good feelings about life.

Physically or spiritually .... and mentally it's all about plumbing !

It's all about restoring the flow and putting good nutrition into the system.

Physically that's the food we eat. Spiritually, that's the life we are living.

So what's the best fuel?

Physically its fresh fruits and vegetables, and natural wholefoods.

Spiritually its people, relationships, our work, nature, life and love, love being the ultimate superfood for the soul!

So, restoring health of the mind body and spirit and our healing retreats are all about cleansing out the old, creating flow within, and putting great fuel into our system....not just for the physical you, but for the whole you.

Such a simple recipe for health and happiness ! Yes, it really is that simple.

By Sandra Hillawi BSc hons, Trainer in MET/EFT, EmoTrance, Author of The Love Clini
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Sandra Hillawi is an experienced practitioner and trainer in the field of energy psychology, has taught the powerful techniques of EFT and EmoTrance since 2002 internationally and and run natural healing detox retreats in the Uk France and Egypt. Sandra helps clients by personal consultation, through workshops and training and at her healing retreats.

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