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When Preparing For Knee Replacement Surgery, Make Sure To Consider This Information
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In severe cases, a total knee replacement surgery can be performed in order to allow for more range of motion and to mimic natural function of the knee joint. Diseased cartilage and bone can be removed in this procedure. Often times, the back of the knee cap, the upper shin bone, and the lower thigh bone can all be resurfaced in this procedure.

How Should You Prepare for Surgery?

It is no doubt that a knee replacement surgery can be important, but equally important are the other actions you take before your surgery. Key information is found in the next section that describes how you can optimize your recovery.

It is important that you communicate with your physician and his/her support staff what devices you will need when you are discharged from the hospital. Your hospital may have classes regarding your knee surgery available to you prior to your stay in the hospital. At this class you can speak with nurses and therapists regarding your various questions and needs. One key reminder about these recommended products.... On average, you can obtain medical products, with the help of the internet, at a much greater discount than you would if you visited a product vendor at the hospital. Keep this in mind!

It is important to note that you should analyze not only the potential benefits of a knee surgery, but also the potential risks. Speaking with your physician prior to your surgery can be of great assistance to you. Also, ask to speak with someone else who has undergone the same procedure with the same physician prior to your surgery. Do yourself a favor and ask for this information. Physical aliments and significant medical history such as fever and infections (etc.) should all be reported to your surgeon. Medications you are taking and medications that you are allergic to are important to communicate to your physician as well.

If there is a loss of blood, which can happen with any surgery, your physician may recommend that you donate some of your own blood several weeks before your surgery. Your physician and his/her team can instruct you about where and when you can donate blood.

Once your surgery takes place you will definitely need support. Among the products that your physician and his/her team may recommend is a post-operative hinged knee brace. The purpose of the knee brace is to help stabilize your knee directly after surgery. This knee brace usually involves an adjustable locking mechanism that can either help keep your leg straight, or allow for different degrees of knee flexion. Usually, as you recover, your physician will allow for more knee flexion, but directly after your surgery, the knee may need to be kept in pure extension (totally straight). It is always important to speak with your doctor about when to wear your brace, and for which activity levels you should use it for as well. A post operative knee brace can provide meaningful support and prove to be a great asset. The DonJoy IROM Knee Brace can provide you the support you need in these instances, and via our website, you can purchase this brace and save you several hundred dollars over that of a brace you receive by other vendors.

By Daniel Sims
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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When Preparing For Knee Replacement Surgery, Make Sure To Consider This Information

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