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World Human Spirit Day
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Can you Spare God Two Minutes of Your Time?

World Human Spirit Day Saturday, 17th February 2007. 

Be part of the spiritual love and joy embodied within the fiber and character of the human race. Let your silent mind feel the joy that infuses humanity to live an authentic life of delight on earth.

On 17th February, people all over the world will come together in mind and spirit to celebrate their genuine connection with each other with two minutes silence at 3.00pm, USA, Eastern Time. Now in its fifth year of celebration...

There is no need of any house of worship.
There is no need for any money or any payment.
There is no need of any books to buy.
There is no need of any seminars to attend.
There is a spark of freedom that lives deep within all humanity... It is called a Free Spirit. 

On World Human Spirit Day, God will be communicating to humanity, in a silent, crystal clear voice; I'm A Free Spirit engaged in love & joy ...Enjoy your life on earth with good intent to all life forms and mother earth. 

It is now time for the human spirit to live the creative, peaceful, loving life it is meant to live, and for the personal human ego to serve that purpose...Together, in harmony with spirit, we can all make a difference.

By Michael Levy
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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