Tags: life coaching london, health coaching, stress management, time management
Click one or both of the 'Tips' links below for free, monthly, newsletters Life Coaching London - Monthly Tips Health and Well-being - Monthly Tips Achieve success – however you define it Coaching helps you create your own definition of success and empowers you to achieve your full potential in life with a clear path laid out along which to achieve your goals. You will achieve this faster with a coach than you would alone. Coaching for health As a qualified nutritionist, seeing clients since 1999, I have come to a stark conclusion. There's more to keeping fit and healthy than exercise and diet, important though they are. Experience has shown me that those who say "It's all in the mind" are actually right. If you have tried before and failed, it's not your fault. However, there is another way. My nutrition practice has now moved in the direction of Health Coaching. This means that in addition to giving advice on diet and supplements, I will help clients really consider the benefits they'll experience from a change in life-style, and explore the consequences of not following through on what they've learned. Without true motivation, nothing will change. Furthermore, to be successful, your health and fitness programme must fit into your life. It's no use an expert just telling you 'what to do'. Health coaching will put YOU in the driving seat. Coaching for career and life-changes If you're dissatisfied with one or more areas of your life (work, family, money, relationships etc), "Personal Transformation Coaching" can help you to live the life you want to live. Coaching will deliver powerful results in a wide range of situations, but focussing on two particular scenarios, more and more people are finding that they didn't have a job for life - nor a partner for life. This can happen to either sex, often in the forties and beyond. But whenever it happens - it can be a blow. I can help you take a dispassionate look at where you are - and how to get to where you want to be. <a href=http://www.nutrition4all.co.uk ><img src=http://www.nutrition4all.co.uk/images/nutrition4all_ad_cherry.gif border="0"></a> These details were last updated on: 17 August 2011
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