Tags: animal acupressure courses, alternative animal care courses, animal therapy courses, equine complementary therapy courses, canine alternative medicine courses, feline alternative medicine courses
Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute offers training courses and Pratitioner Certification in equine, canine, and feline acupressure worldwide. Acupressure is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and provides animals with optimal physcal and emotional wellbeing. The Tallgrass courses are both online and hands-on in the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The benefits of acupressure for animals include: • Relieve muscle spasms • Build the immune system • Strengthen muscles, tendons, joints, and bones • Balance energy to optimize the body's natural ability to heal • Release natural cortisone to reduce swelling and inflammation • Release endorphins necessary to increase energy or relieve pain • Enhance mental clarity and calm required for focus in training and performance • Resolve injuries more readily by increasing the blood supply and removing toxins. Tallgrass Publishers has many learning tools: Books, DVDs, and Meridian Charts for learning acupressure horses, dogs and cats. To learn more about Tallgrass and Animal acupressure go to: http://www.animalacupresure.com These details were last updated on: 10 January 2020
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