Rosemary De Faria, L.C.S.W. is a psychotherapist with 20 years experience in working with adults, adolescents and children. She formed Distinct Therapeutics, Inc. in 1997, where she combines both traditional and alternative therapies to meet her client's needs. Specialties include Trauma, PTSD, grief, addiction, relationships, spirituality and health challenges. Ms. De Faria uses her vast knowledge base to tailor treatment to each individual client. Her philosophy is that the most crucial ingredient in therapy is the connection between therapist and client. This will be the basis for all healing to occur.
Some of the modalities she uses include EMDR, Guided Imagery, Hypnosis, S.E., Reiki, and Energy Work. She maintains a collaborative relationship with clients at all times to ensure optimal outcomes. Often times clients find it extremely beneficial to combine traditional with holistic and will do traditional therapy and finish with some Reiki. Whatever walk of life, whatever your belief system is, you will be held in a safe nurturing environment which will enable deep healing.
In 2005, she faced a major life challenge when diagnosed with breast cancer. The lessons learned from dealing with a life threatening illness have given a broader depth to her work. She chose to heal from the cancer through mostly holistic means without chemo or radiation. She has written an article about her experience entitled: Blessings in Disguise; How I Healed from Cancer Without Chemo, which can be found on her website.
These details were last updated on: 20 January 2012