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Chakra Balancing

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Chakra Balancing

distance-learning course

Chakra balancing helps when you can't switch off, or you need to make a difficult decision, want more energy or peace of mind, or just feel better than you do right now.  It is a great stress-reliever, and worthwhile being part of your daily routine. It's an easy and effective way to uplift the spirits in the morning, or ensure a good night's sleep.

Chakra balancing re-aligns the energy flow through your body, which may have become unbalanced through negative thinking, poor diet or lifestyle, or things going badly around you. Balance creates optimum conditions for the body's own natural healing process to begin. It also helps you get things in perspective and feel more in control to deal with problems.

Chakras date back before 2500 BC in Indian culture. They are the body's power stations, spinning wheels of light within our aura. They make us breathe, keep our heart beating, energise our thoughts and sensations and keep us alive.

chakra balancing can help you to:
Cope well with pressures and challenges.
Overcome life experiences which have left their mark on you.
Develop confidence, energy, freedom and contentment.
Feel good about yourself and life.
Improve your health & well-being.

Chakra balancing can help to alleviate anxiety, uplift depression, calm panic, and influence a good night's sleep, especially when done at bed-time (lying in bed). First thing in the morning (again, lying in bed), it gives clear thinking and an energy buzz.  

Chakra balancing can form part of a relaxation or meditation workshop, or a self-treatment between therapy treatments. 




Certificate in Chakra Balancing


£130. Instalment plan available.


Come Alive School of Natural Health & WellBeing


Distance Learning


Tel. 0044 1865 600198



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