colours for health, energy and mood
We are surrounded by colours all the time, but how often do we use them to improve our health, alter our emotional state, change our mood, or boost our morale?
Many of us find that a good standard of health and well-being is becoming more and more difficult to achieve. We all take more medicines than ever before and many of us need outside help to give ourselves energy, calm us down, help us to sleep and help us to cope. But we can improve our health and well-being by ourselves and for ourselves. By being aware of colour, getting to know what it can do for us, and using it skilfully, we can bring our energy back into balance and improve our health and well-being every day of our life.
colours can
♣ heal and comfort
♣ unlock your creativity
♣ change your mood
♣ release energy blockages
♣ alleviate physical, mental and emotional conditions
♣ help change your attitude which can be holding you back in your life
It is easy to introduce more colour into your food, drink, clothes and decor. You can learn how to visualise colour, meditate with it, use coloured crystals and bring balance back to your body and mind with simple healing methods. In all these ways, you can benefit from the energetic vibrations and healing properties of colours.
Although considered to be a complementary therapy, colour healing or colour therapy is being used routinely within modern medical care. Chromotherapy, which was developed in the 1920s, is regularly used in hospitals to treat ailments with coloured light. Blue light is used to soothe inflammation and the pain of arthritis and to reduce high blood pressure. It is administered to premature babies to prevent brain damage or death through an underdeveloped liver, and to treat jaundice in newborn babies. Red light is used to treat poor circulation, stiff joints and migraine.
understanding colours
Colour is pure energy, each colour with its own energy vibration, life-enhancing quality and healing action. To be healthy, a person needs the energy from all colours in the spectrum. Each colour in the spectrum vibrates at its own rate, and these vibrations correspond to our body's inner vibrations. Each part of our body resonates to different colours. When we feel physically ill or mentally and emotionally disturbed, we can use the appropriate colour to restore balance to the troubled area.
Generally reds, oranges and yellows are warm and expansive and will energise us and make us feel happy. Blues, indigos and purples are soothing, calming and cooling, and will calm us down and help us relax. Different mental states, emotions and body parts resonate to different colours.
change colour and change mood
Colours can influence a change of mood and attitude. If you lack certain qualities or need to temper others, use colours. Use more orange for creativity and assertiveness. Use turquoise if you tend to drive yourself too hard. To calm your anger, use blue.
colour breathing
Apart from bringing more life-giving oxygen into your body and removing toxins, you can breathe in colours. You only have to use your imagination. Breathe in green to cleanse and feel balanced, turquoise to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.
coloured light
Using coloured lights is one of the most uncomplicated, powerful and effective ways of correcting imbalances in the human system. It is easy to focus the colour on the exact problem area, or bathe the whole body in colour for overall toning and maintenance of health and well-being. It is particularly good for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and depression. Equipment can be purchased, such as colour lamps, filters, torches, light boxes. Alternatively you can easily make your own colour healing equipment more cheaply.
coloured food
We all know that we should eat our greens. We should also eat yellow, red and a good mixture of all other colours. Purple and Indigo food help to calm and relax (grapes, blueberries, aubergine, beetroot). White foods cleanse and purify (cauliflower, onion, mushrooms).
So start now to use the colours around you, and see how your health, energy and mood improve. Colour can change your life!
we can help you
Contact us for details of our distance-learning courses Colour Your Life, Colour Healing, and Colour Healing Therapy.