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4 Foods That Improve Your Vision and Hearing
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The idea of holistics has been one in medicine for thousands of years but it still has its place in treatment today. When one thing in the body goes wrong it can cause a domino effect, which is why so many conditions such as Diabetes and Heart Disease are so serious. Remaining healthy is about taking care of the body, mind and spirit and letting each aspect of the self work together.

Nutrition is a great example of that concept in practice. When we nourish our bodies we stave off disease and improve the functions of each system. For vision and hearing, there are some foods that can actually help you to keep them in tip top condition or even reverse some issues.

Green Tea - While more studies have to be done to confirm and understand it, one has shown a potential correlation between drinking green tea and healing noise induced hearing loss. At the same time, excessive tea drinking has also been linked to toxicity that can damage hearing, showing the importance of balance with all nutrients.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Omega-3 Fatty Acid is one of the major micronutrients found in seafood, especially fish. You can also find it in nuts, seeds, eggs and traces in some vegetables like spinach and brussels sprouts. Omega-3 promotes better hearing.

Beta-Carotene and Vitamin A - You have probably heard of beta-carotene, a mineral found in carrots. They are also full of vitamin A, which has been linked in various studies to protecting against degeneration in cataracts and eyes, especially in the elderly. Sweet potatoes are another source rich in beta-carotene.

Magnesium - Foods rich in magnesium have shown to prevent noise-related injuries and to help heal damage that has already been done due to noise-related accidents and exposure. That makes foods like bananas, broccoli and artichokes must-haves for anyone working in an industry where noise damage is common.

Supplements Vs Food Sources

If you are unable to get the required minerals you need from foods it is possible to get them from supplements. However, keep in mind that the body can only absorb so much at once and so supplements may give you a dose too large to use. In that case, most of the nutrients will be transported from the body in waste.

In some cases, minerals could reach toxicity levels if consumed in higher than needed quantities. Make sure you are monitoring your micronutrient intake and try to get as much as you can from food sources rather than supplements.

By Hearing & Balance Doctors
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: We at Hearing & Balance Doctors are passionate about ears! We love the sounds of life and believe in empowering patients to rediscover hearing. By leading our communities with current knowledge of ever-changing technology we combine the latest advancements in hearing aids with proper testing counseling and life experience.

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