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6 Unexpected Reasons to Eat Ginger Every Day
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Humanity has been using the beneficial properties of ginger for more than 5,000 years. In Indian and Chinese medicine, the root was considered perhaps the most valuable natural remedy, a “miracle pill” for all diseases. Ginger was eaten and continued to be eaten fresh, dried, pickled, grounded and crushed into gruel, in the form of juice or oil, and is also often added to cosmetics. This is what happens to you if you start eating ginger not from time to time, but at least once a day, adding a comfortable amount to tea or food.   1. Aging slows down Ginger is a powerful antioxidant. The main active ingredient of ginger - gingerol - can fight the so-called oxidative stress. This is a process in which too many free radicals accumulate in the body — active molecules that damage healthy cells. This stress is one of the causes of aging. A little ginger and the cells will become more resistant to harmful effects.   2. Nausea will decrease Ginger effectively copes with a nausea of any origin:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • hangover;
  • with seasickness;
  • with chemotherapy;
  • with pressure jumps and so on.

The main factor in this process again is gingerol. Studies show that this substance stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and also blocks the nerve impulses that cause vomiting.   3. A decrease in blood sugar And gingerol will again be to blame. At the same time, the risk of developing hypertension, obesity, diabetes, gallstone disease and other joys associated with elevated glucose levels will decrease. Added bonus: If you already have type 2 diabetes, ginger will help minimize the risk of complications associated with this disease.   4. There will be forces to resist bacteria The abuse of antibiotics is one of the most serious problems of modern medicine. People who try to treat ordinary acute respiratory infections with heavy artillery often simply do not understand what kind of blow they are delivering to their health in general.   Meanwhile, the unreasonable use of antibiotics has already led to an uncontrolled increase in the number of bacteria resistant to drugs. This means that those bacterial infections that could be cured relatively easily yesterday become invulnerable to medicines. To what it will lead, in addition, perhaps, it is not necessary to explain.   The good news is that along with garlic, ginger has demonstrated an ability to cope with the "invulnerable" bacterias, significantly reducing their numbers. Scientists suggest that ginger has a huge, but not yet fully explored potential in the treatment of many bacterial diseases.   5. Improves oral health Ginger inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria that cause gum disease, in particular gingivitis, periodontitis, infections of the tooth cavity and root canals, and others. It is enough to chew a piece of fresh ginger once a day or rinse the mouth with tincture - and your teeth will thank you.   6. Improves memory and speed of thinking Studies involving middle-aged women have shown that ginger significantly slows down age-related changes in the cerebral cortex. Those who took two months of taking ginger extract tablets improved memory, reaction rate, and learning ability. Experts suggest that ginger can be the basis of drugs for age-related ailments such as Alzheimer's disease.

By Amelia Grant
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: I am Amelia Grant journalist and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people's lives for the better.

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