First of all I want you to realize, that understanding the problems through reading this article, is offering already some great solutions, helping to handle the situation.
Children are normally all very similar to each other and so it is with their problems in school. Based only on that, I'm able to give you here a great picture about myself and all my personal problems, when I was young and had to go to school. Because it might help, to reveal some of the common problematic factors more easliy.
From the beginning, I actually liked going to school. I was meeting with my friends in class and always were some new things happening. And so I started very soon to feel my own life and personality filled with lots of adventures. Having a daily schedule and listening most of the time to the teacher, made everything else also pretty interesting. There wasn't a problem at all.
But when I came home from school, I felt stepping into a different world. Because during the time in the afternoon I could become my own boss and play out all my own interests together with my friends, considering that this was what I wanted to be. In that manner I was actually very self-responsible.
But what happened with my daily homework ?
Sometimes I liked doing my homework, when it was something I was personal interested in and also specially when I knew, that I could also easily do it myself. And this is here a very great statement ! Because in this moment I became able to also predict, that doing my homework may take me about 45 minutes to one hour and I would do that, whenever I would have time between all the other things, I had going on during the afternoon.
But it was very horrible for me, when I did not really understand something, because I could not tell, how long it would take me and it made me completely frustrated, when I did not find my way through. I would give it a try, but soon I would stop somewhere doing this part of my homework with the reason, that I don't understand it. But I also wouldn't take any responsibility to clear it up with one of my friends, or to find out more about it in school during the next day, what was not that good. This ongoing pattern shows me today, that I was actually not really so incredibly interested in my personal carrier, and that I even had no clue what was going on. This all finally ended up becoming my personal out-ethics as a student. But why ?
A child is not only a child, and so we should treat it in regards to learning more for becoming already a young adult. Because going to school has a real important reason and is very significant for one's own later survival. Already the first-graders have to learn all the real important basics. If we don't see it that way, we cannot really control or educate children correctly. This has to be understood - also specially by the child - right from the beginning. And this is why we have to find out, what our child would like to be doing, when it's grown up, out of school and maybe done with University - and then push it along that line. And, how could it realize, to accomplish that ? Because the child has to be made fully responsible, and the parents have to take any action to make sure it happens, every day.
Here comes the very important part !
After all my experiences in school, I'm very sure, that if I would have known at that time already about this outstanding Study Technology from L.Ron Hubbard, all these mishaps wouldn't have happened to me. Because I could have easily played with my friends, like every other child needs to do it during its grow-up process. But at the same time I could have completely cleared up and understood everything about my homework, what I didn't grasp in school. Because with this Study Technology I would have gotten all the Study Skills I needed, to help myself becoming a perfect and easy student - reliable at school - but also enjoying my life with play. What a different world !
Learning should become really interesting and inspiring to find out about things, rather than being stuck with some stupid and painful comprehension problems. A child should never have to suffer, and parents have to be aware of it.