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Breast Cancer Discovery: Ukrainian Clinical Study Shows Stunning Achievement of Respiration Retraining Oxygenation Treatment
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Metastasized breast cancers can be frequently deadly. Up to 20-25 percent of females die during next 5 years because of spread of cancerous cells to additional parts of the body. Around the globe hundreds of groups of investigates and specialists are actually gazing for solutions to enhance the scientific results as well as lower mortality using improved body oxygenation methods. Note that low oxygen level in cells is the proven main cause of cancer on a cell level. Having said that, presently there are no successful treatments that may notably improve the results. Yet this Ukrainian clinical trial was a stunning achievement in advancement of innovative approaches for treatment of cancer malignancy.

The results were submitted in Ukrainian Oncology Journal some years back in Russian, and for that reason, it was actually not immediately seen in the Western globe. However, recently, I translated the results of this surprising research from Russian to English as well as published the article on my internet site. Here is the link: breast cancer treatment.

This breast cancer clinical trial was organized by Dr. Sergey Paschenko, MD, a student of Doctor Konstantin Buteyko who was the originator of the Buteyko respiration method). The study was in relation to investigation of administering of the lowered breathing procedure as an addiitonal therapy of breast cancer. Please note that it is actually known that people who have cancer have heavy and fast breathing at rest. And, in accordance with laws of physiology, chronic over-breathing or deep breathing decreases oxygen levels in body organs. Better body oxygen concentrations was the primary factor in this breakthrough in breast cancer.

It ought to be emphasised from the start-off, that, for this breast cancer therapy, respiratory exercises and other lifestyle aspects were administered in addition to basic medical treatment. As a result, all sufferers used normal medical therapies. One hundred twenty females by having breast cancers (Global classification T1-2N1M0) got involved in this subject. All sufferers had a normal anti-cancer therapy that provided medical eradication of tumors and chemotherapy. Having said that, in supplement to this very common treatment, the respiratory retraining group of 67 (lucky) patients utilized respiratory exercises. Their parameters were contrasted with remaining 53 patients.

Three-year death rate for the breathing normalization set of women was 4.5 %, while for the control group 24.5 %. Consequently, breathing exercises decreased 3-year mortality by about 5 times. All patients who trained hard and normalized their breathing were able to survive. This is a spectacular breakthrough in treatment of breast cancers, but Russian Buteyko breathing doctors achieved a similar success with their patients.

While Dr Paschenko was actually trained as a Buteyko breathing doctor in the 1980's, in this study, he applied a reformed breath retraining procedure based on the same main idea as the Buteyko method: breathing normalization or diminished breathing with lifestyle changes. For detailed investigation of way of life modifications, visit this exceptional YourTube video clip: Natural cancer cures.

Lowered breathing programs are based on breathing slightly less than generally, while getting correct posture and an empty stomach. The objective of this training is to improve oxygen pressure in body cells. Instead of taking sizable inhalations, the sufferers are actually proposed to get smaller inhalations utilizing the diaphragm merely and to continually sustain a light, but comfortable sensation to breathe more often (or air cravings) paired with relaxation of the diaphragm for exhalations. All additional components as well as muscular tissues of the body must additionally be relaxed throughout this breathing exercise. In this scientific trial, the total duration of breathing exercises ranged from 60 minutes up to 2.5-4 hrs each day for 3 years. The time of one respiration workout varied from 20 up to 30 minutes.

One astonishing certainty of this extremely successful scientific study is that the breathing tutor and his students were persevering by having breathing retraining for at least 3 years, showing their guts as well as self-discipline. The breathing retraining set of females increased their exhaled CO2 content by practically 2 times. For that reason, they increase their oxygen levels in body organs about 2 times and dramatically enhanced their excellent of life aspects that included less complains about shortness of breath, better sleep, much more stamina and elimination of swelling. Here is another video clip about cancer causes and research.

For this research, Dr. Paschenko measured their CO2 concentrations in the exhaled air flow as a way of measuring hyperventilation. Just after 3 years of respiratory retraining, the patients that practiced respiration exercises breathed less compared to established health norm as well as closer to the Buteyko' respiratory norm or 4 liter for each minute for minute ventilation, 8 breaths for every minute for breathing frequency, and 60 s for the body oxygen amount.

When the health condition of some sufferers substantially deteriorated (cancer metastasis), their exhaled CO2 values dropped practically 2 times from their preliminary values due to intense over-breathing. Nonetheless, Russian as well as Ukrainian Buteyko doctors propose that the real situation in connection to developing cancer is opposite. They say that deep and fast breathing generates metastasis and advancement of many forms of cancer. And this trial more than likely demonstrates their point. The future of this therapy is unclear due to narrow-mindedness of modern medicine, but those who dare can achieve amazing health, as hundreds of my students did..

By Dr Artour Rakhimov
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. Artour Rakhimov is a health educator author of books and breathing teacher. His website has hundreds of studies that show that modern people have low body oxygenation due to abnormal automatic breathing patterns and that promotes chronic diseases.

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