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Facial Exercises: The Fundamentals Behind Facial Exercises as a Form of Non Surgical Facelift
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Some people don't believe that a non surgical facelift can be conducted with facial exercises. Here's why facial exercises performed with one's own fingertips are not only more effective, but the benefits are virtually permanent.

Before you start a non surgical facelift with facial exercises, you will probably have some forehead lines, crow's feet along the edges of the eyes, smile lines, sagging skin on the jowls, cheeks and neck. This is due to repetitive contractions of the muscles, or repetitive expressions over many years.

So how can facial exercises assist you to perform your own non surgical facelift?

Consider facial exercises as a form of muscle isometrics. In other words, the underlying face and neck muscles will be exercised to achieve the maximum result with the minimum amount of work, using the body's own opposing forces.

Skin on the face and neck is attached to underlying muscles and bone. As you age, the subcutaneous fat which keeps the face filled is lost over time. When you use facial exercises as a form of non surgical facelift, the muscle fiber becomes shorter, and so too does the overlying skin attached to that muscle.

By rubbing on the line, or wrinkle, the underlying tissue expands, the muscle fiber gets tighter, and the crease dissipates with time. You might experience a burning sensation as you perform the facial exercises, but don't be concerned, as this is due to fluid being pumped into the tissue, and not the release of lactic acid as some claim.

So if the muscle fiber is getting shorter from using facial exercises, isn't it going to create loose, excess skin?  No, because the skin contracts with the muscle. At the same time, the underlying tissue is filled, and the skin gains increased elastin. The muscle becomes bigger and tighter, just like at the gym. You don't see gym enthusiasts with muscles rippling on their stomach with skin hanging on their knees, do you?

Elastin makes the skin more elastic or stretchable. A non surgical facelift performed with facial exercises, works this elastin, which improves the skin's oxygenation levels.

The underlying tissue is plumped up as the facial exercises are continued. Blood flow is increased to the areas massaged.

Two weeks have passed, and your non surgical facelift is well on its way! Your jowls will lift, and you will have rounder, higher cheeks. Your eyes will appear more open, because the facial exercises will have lifted the wrinkles and reduced the eye bags. And yes, that reminds me - facial exercises practiced on the eye bags will reduce the fatty deposits around the eyes.

The facial exercises will also fade blemishes and spider veins especially around the cheeks and nose due to free radicals or prolonged alcohol intake.

Because this form of non surgical facelift has improved the overall blood flow to the neck and face, your complexion will have improved, and you will enjoy richer color to your face.

Don't worry. You will not lose facial expression because of the shorter muscle fiber as a result of facial exercises! In fact you could be even more expressive than before you started your non surgical facelift.

So that's it, guys and gals. For those who prefer to use facial exercises to look younger by conducting their own non surgical facelift - good choice. You will definitely look younger by using facial exercises in as little as 15 minutes 2 to 3 times a week. Who knows, you might look a decade younger within a month from now!

By Wendy Wilken Anti-Aging Practitioner
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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