If you are seeking greater physical health, emotional peace or freedom from unwanted behaviors in a safe and completely natural way, the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy may be your answer. Skills of self-hypnosis allow you to create a profound state of physical relaxation that is healthy for both your body and for your mind. Hypnosis strengthens your immune system, balances your central nervous system and lets you recharge. Most people are surprised at how good and relaxed they feel after ten or fifteen minutes of self-hypnosis. Since brain wave patterns slow down into an alpha state and your mind and body relax deeply, self-hypnosis allows you to benefit from your body's natural rejuvenating qualities.
The benefits of using hypnosis are unlimited since it provides you with an opportunity for open communication between your conscious logical mind and your subconscious mind. When you learn to work with your subconscious mind you gain access to the Autonomic Nervous System which controls all of the automatic functions of your body. Hypnosis lets you participate with awareness and intention in directing your body's innate ability to regenerate and heal. This is accomplished through deep relaxation and the use of positive suggestions and guided imagery.
Hypnotherapy supports the understanding that we are more than just physical machines. It goes beyond isolating symptoms and includes ways of changing the attitudes, mental beliefs, expectations and feelings that influence our behaviors and our health. It explores the repetitious patterns of how our thoughts, our perceptions and subconscious associations build physical tension and stress which can eventually lead to physical illness and disease, emotional difficulties, pain, insomnia, or even unhealthy behaviors and addiction. Hypnotherapy uses the relaxation of hypnosis along with techniques of age regression and sensory awareness for reviewing inner associations and patterns. These can be understood, influenced and transformed.
Imagine having a healthy, trusting relationship inside yourself, with absolute confidence to create what you desire including sound health and genuine happiness.
Imagine relaxing deeply into absolute quiet and ease as you orchestrate the dance between your own mind and body, gently guiding your body's natural healing process. Imagine being free of negative thoughts, old beliefs and unwanted behaviors.
When you learn to work constructively with your mind and your body, you learn to help yourself. The quiet state of hypnosis provides the perfect environment to support, stimulate and direct your body's natural healing intelligence. Everything that is, begins with the imagination.
As we continue to explore the mind's role in health and we learn to harness what is naturally available inside ourselves, the course of medicine will evolve in fantastic ways.
When you work constructively with your subconscious mind, it is the best ally for health that you can possibly have.
By Roberta A. Swartz CCH - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
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