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Is There a Link Between Cancer and Oral Contraceptives
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The most commonly prescribed oral medications contain a synthetic version of naturally-occurring female hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. These synthetic hormones are similar to the ones that are produced naturally in the ovaries. Oral contraceptive pills are often known as combined oral contraceptives. The mini-pill contains only one type of progestogen. The growth and development of the uterus is stimulated by oestrogen and this causes the inner lining of the uterus to thicken during the first 15 days of the menstrual cycle. Research has shown that though the contraceptive pill can very slightly increase the risk of certain cancers, it actually lowers the risk of others.

Scientists have been investigating a link between oral contraceptive pills and the risk of cancer. A great deal of focus has been given to pill users in the last 40 years. This has given the medical community a lot of data and its link with development of certain types of cancers. The results of these studies have not been very consistent but still a link is established between cancer risk and use of contraceptive pill. A link has been established that shows a slightly elevated risk of endometrial and ovarian cancers in women who use contraceptive pills. However, the pill offers some protection against ovarian, womb and bowel cancer.


Microgynon pills are a type of contraception that is commonly known as the pill or a combined oral contraceptive pill. These pills contain ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel, which are nothing but synthetic versions of naturally-occurring female sex hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. Levonorgestrel is the synthetic form of progestogen and Ethinylestradiol is the synthetic form of oestrogen. This medication works in many ways and ensures that conception does not occur. Microgynon works by overriding the menstrual cycle. The level of sex hormones in a woman’s body changes throughout her menstrual cycle.

Hormones cause the egg to be released from the ovaries, known as ovulation, and this thickens the uterine lining. In case the egg is not fertilised, the level of hormones fall and this causes the womb to shed its lining every month. When you use Microgynon pills, they work by tricking the body into believing that ovulation has already occurred. This means that the egg is not released from the ovaries. The thickness of cervical mucus is also increased and this makes it tough for sperm to cross from the vagina and reach the womb.

This pill is also helpful to women who want to have lighter, more regular and less painful periods. Doctors recommend this medication to women who have heavy and painful periods. This pill is a monophasic pill and this means that all pills in the pack contain the same amount of hormones. You need to take one tablet every day for a period of 21 days and you then have a seven day break from this routine. Always consult a doctor before using this pill and do not take this more than recommended.

By Ian Caspar webmaster, content writer
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Ian Caspar is a webmaster and content writer. He is always delivering informative articles reviews on various contraception methods.

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