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Know About Different Types Of Combination Pill
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Women around the world have been using different methods of contraception to protect them from getting pregnant. Many times contraceptive methods used by men, such as condoms, have failed from keeping such complications at bay. With the introduction of hormonal contraceptive methods, women have found it easier to control their pregnancies. Combination pills, a type of the most effective hormonal contraceptive method, have helped thousands of women in this task. These oral contraceptive pills consist of two artificial female hormones, with the help of which they prevent women from getting pregnant in three ways.

What is Mercilon?

Mercilon is a popular contraceptive pill which belongs to the category of combination pills. Mercilon pills consist of two artificial female hormones, ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and desogestrel (progestogen), as their active ingredients. This pill has been proven to be over 99% effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies. It can protect you against pregnancy by preventing ovulation, thickening cervical mucus so as to prevent sperm from entering and fertilizing an egg and making the uterus lining thinner to prevent an egg from growing. You are required to take one Mercilon pill for 21 days of your 28 day menstrual cycle.

What is Trinovum?

The Trinovum pill is a triphasic contraceptive pill, which belongs to the category of combination pills. This pill consists of ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and Norethisterone (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. Being a triphasic pill, Trinovum is available in three different colours: seven white, seven light peach and seven dark peach coloured pills. The dosage strength of progestogen increases from the white to the darker peach coloured pills. The dosage strength of oestrogen, on the other hand, remains the same in all of the pills. The different dosage Trinovum pills helps in creating a somewhat natural hormonal balance in preventing pregnancy.

What is Logynon?

Logynon pill is another of the triphasic contraceptive pill, which belongs to the category of combination pills. This pill consists, ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and levonorgestrel (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. This pill consists of the same dosage of oestrogen in all the pills, but different dosages of progestogen in the pills. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% effective in protecting you against pregnancy. You are required to take one Logynon pill for 21 days of your 28 day menstrual cycle with a break of seven days in between.

What is Femodene?

Femodene pill is also a popular contraceptive pill, which belongs to the category of combination pills. This pill consists of ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and gestodene (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. Femodene has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. The progestogen present in this pill is third generation progestogen, which is said to be safer for preventing pregnancy. You are required to take this pill for 21 days of your 28 day menstrual cycle, with a break of seven days in between. It also helps in regulating your periods, reducing painful periods, making your periods lighter, improving PMS symptoms and decreasing your mood swings.

By Ian Caspar webmaster, content writer
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Ian Caspar is a webmaster and content writer. He is always delivering informative articles reviews on various contraception methods like Mercilon pill and Femodene pill.

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