Low sperm count causes infertility. Though there are other factors like low sperm motility, lack of semen, etc. which cause infertility, low sperm count is a crucial factor. Low sperm count occurs because of various ecological and biological factors.
More than 30% of infertile cases are resulted because of low sperm count. The sperm count and infertility need to be treated through various medicines and therapies. Infertility may also occur because of women's inability to develop sperms into eggs. So, the infertile couple should first consult a doctor and know ‘what the problem for infertility is'.
- Hormonal disorder or can even be genetic.
- Testicular injuries are influential to make sperm count low. The injuries to testicles should r treated immediately.
- Diet deficiencies and malnutrition. Lack of nutrients like Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin C results in low sperm count.
- Sperm count is decreased greatly by overheating of body. Extreme heat from saunas, hot tubs, etc decrease sperm count.
- Prolonged smoking activities and drinking can make man infertile.
The symptoms for low sperm count are listed below:
- Fear of infertility
- Problems with sexual feelings. For instance, erectile dysfunction or low sex drives.
- Swelling, pain or difficulties in testicle area.
- Changes in hair in the body which is a sign of hormone irregularity.
To treat low sperm count, first the cause for the low sperm count should be found. Only then the treatment can be given accordingly. Stress, obesity, drugs and smoking are some of the causes for which self control is much needed than treatment. Other causes like nutritional imbalance, infections, and genetic causes can be treated medically.
Here are some home remedies to increase sperm count:
- Give up smoking and drinking.
- Meditate and do yoga to keep stress away.
- Exercise regularly.
- Have three days gap between ejaculations to improve fertility and sperm count.
- Acidic, spicy and bitter foods should be avoided.
- Undergarments play important role in sexual health. Avoid wearing tight underpants and maintain testicles in ambient temperature.
- Take efforts to improve blood circulation.
- Excess weight should be reduced.
Sperm count is very important for men since it is a deciding factor of men's sexual health. There can be some external factors which damage the semen. So, increase the volume of sperm assembles. Increased number of sperms gives more chances of developing eggs in women. So enhance the sperm count to enhance the fertility.
More informations : http://www.homeopathyonline.in OR http://www.oligospermiatreatment.com
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