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Prescription drugs to help kick the habit of smoking
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Smoking is seriously injurious to health. It’s important that you quit smoking to help escape its serious consequences in the form of cancer, cardiovascular disorders, skin disorders, hearing impairment and various other serious medical conditions. There are a number of smoking cessation aids available which primarily include NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) and drugs like Champix and Zyban.

Want to kick smoking for good - Free consultation at healthexpress.co.uk

Healthexpress.co.uk is an online clinic that not only offers treatment for smoking but also conditions like hair loss, obesity, impotence, FSD (Female Sexual Dysfunction) and influenza. It helps people seek advice and treatment from medical professionals through its free online consultation. It works by offering an initial consultation that is absolutely free of charge. The consultation process includes a series of questions that need to be answered by the person needing treatment. This allows the team of registered doctors to gain information about your medical condition and thus prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The submission of the medical condition is the first step in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Say you are a smoker and seek a treatment option that helps you quit smoking. The doctor will evaluate your answers and form a diagnosis. Once that is done, you are emailed the diagnosis and a list of smoking cessation treatment options, which typically include the intake of Champix or Zyban.

Champix as a smoking cessation treatment option

Champix is an anti-smoking drug that helps your break free from your smoking habit. It comes to you from the same company that is behind Viagra; Pfizer. Champix with an active ingredient known as varenicline was designated a licensed smoking cessation drug in the UK in December 2006. There is no doubt that Champix, since the time it made its appearance on the market, has helped numerous smokers kick their habit.  Extensive clinical trials have shown that intake of Champix quadruples a smoker’s chance of quitting smoking.

How does Champix Work?

Champix - its active ingredient as varenicline - mimics the action of nicotine on the body. It does this by helping stimulate those receptors in the brain that are stimulated by the action of nicotine. This leads to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that brings about a feel good sensation; that one actually also experiences when smoking. The release of dopamine in small quantities controls the cravings and withdrawal symptoms of the smokers. These withdrawal symptoms take their toll on smokers when they are trying to give up smoking by sheer will power alone. Eventually the action of Champix helps block the receptors completely, to take the fun away from smoking.

Zyban - Another quit smoking drug

Zyban - its active ingredient as bupropion - is a quit smoking drug that originated as an anti-depressant. Bupropion works as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, nicotinic antagonist, and norepinephrine. The action of bupropion helps in the reduction of the severity of nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking. Typically Zyban is prescribed for anything between 7-12 weeks. The working of bupropion with respect to smoking cessation is still not very clear but clinical trials have shown that smokers double their chance of quitting smoking if they take Zyban. When you are taking Zyban, you don’t stop smoking immediately but leave it gradually; by the time you reach the quit date you have actually quit smoking altogether.

Zyban has been seen to considerably reduce the withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping smoking. Its been reported during clinical trials that there was a considerable reduction in withdrawal symptoms like restiveness, irritation, anger, depression, lack of concentration and anxiety.

The big tussle - Champix or Zyban

Both are popular smoking cessation drugs, but as far as the results are concerned Champix has proven to be more successful then Zyban. If you want to decide, which medication to go for, it’s important that you don’t make an arbitrary decision for the same. It would be a good idea to consult your doctor with respect to the smoking cessation drug you must select. Both Champix and Zyban have various associated side effects. You could choose a medication dependant on the side effect that you are up to facing and the side effects that you wouldn’t like to face.

By Ajay Dumasiya BCA, SEO (Last 2.8 years)
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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