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Thwart impotence not your wife Get impotence treatment
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Impotence is a bane for couples; it is a nightmare for men and a host of worries for women. Ever since the dawn of humankind, impotence, caused by a variety of factors, has lead to severe repercussions in all spheres of life. Apart from affecting the physical intimacy between partners, impotence affects social, psychological, emotional and professional wellbeing of a person. It has negative effects on partners too. A decade ago, impotence was considered a stigma or blight. Today, it is accepted as diabetes or high cholesterol.

If you are suffering from impotence, lack of sexual desire and/or problems in achieving or maintaining erection, here are few things that you should keep in mind:

- Don’t blame yourself or anybody for the problem
- Be open-minded about the condition without being sulky or overtly pessimistic
- Keep your partner in loop; you both will need each other’s support
- Find out the cause, is it your failing health or your mounting work pressure, your smoking or certain medications, your diabetes or your depression
- After listing all possible causes with your wife, consult a doctor
- Be honest and open to your doctor listing all the probable causes that you think are responsible, no matter how silly they may sound to you
- Tell your doctor about medical conditions that you have, as this is important for him to make correct diagnosis
- Overcome the shame and embarrassment that is associated with face to face consultations
- If you are not comfortable facing your local GP, you can go for an online consultation too, means no excuse for you to not seek impotence treatment
- Look for reputed and trustworthy websites online that offer consultation
- Once you finish consultation successfully (matter of few minutes), you can get a prescription for impotence pills
- You can either take this prescription and go to a local pharmacy or order impotence pills online
- You will find three impotence pills online, Viagra sildenafil, Cialis tadalafil and Levitra vardenafil. You and your doctor can decide which of these three impotence pills will work for you safely and effectively

Here’s something about these three impotence pills that will help you in decision making. However, remember, that while one of these pills may be safe for you other might not because of its active ingredient.


The active ingredient in Viagra is sildenafil. It starts to work in an hour and stays in the system for four hours. Some Viagra users say it works for six to eight hours, but Viagra manufacturer, Pfizer, maintains that it works for four hours only. This drug works for 70% of men who take it.


Levitra is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company known as Bayer and the active ingredient in it is vardenafil. It takes as much time as Viagra to work but stays longer (for nine hours) in the system. It has very few side effects and works efficiently in most men. It works in men effectively even if Viagra or Cialis have not worked.


This is a very famous drug in European Union and is called ‘La weekend pill’ by French men. The reason Cialis is so famous is that it starts working in 30 minutes and stays in the body for 36 hours; this helps men to initiate sex whenever they want without hastening or planning.

Other impotence treatments

Much before impotence pills were introduced in the market, there were some impotence treatments for men. Penile injections and surgery were two impotence treatments that have been prevalent for a long time. However, these practices were so horrifying that not many men ever came around trying it. Men preferred suffering in silence than going for these dangerous treatments.

In addition, there was an option of getting herbal potions and drugs that were touted to be miracle cures for impotence. These herbal impotence treatments were said to be bottles with the finest and choicest herbs gathered from faraway lands and continents. Any men taking these herbal medications were promised rock hard erections, greater stamina and strength, improved performance and mind-blowing orgasms. How an impotence treatment could make men better lovers was not given much thought and many men spent their hard-earned money on these fake products. However, introduction of impotence pills have changed all these and men now get clinically proven drugs that are approved by heath authorities.

By Ajay Dumasiya BCA, SEO (Last 2.4 years)
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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