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The Latest in Allergy Research
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New allergy research is being done all of the time to find ways to combat and control allergy symptoms, especially for those who suffer from the severity of one or more allergies. Even people who have mild forms of allergies find that they can interrupt their life and make it difficult to perform their normal everyday activities.   The Allergy Research Group, found on the web at www.allergyresearchgroup.com, put out a newsletter called Focus that relates the variety of types of research stratifies that are going on to help allergy sufferers find relief. For example, in 2006 there was a landmark study that came out of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York that showed that a series of Chinese herbs (called ASHMI) when blended, could be almost as effective in helping allergy sufferers as could the use of steroids.   ASHMI has now formed the basis of another allergy research study at Mt. Sinai to see if allergy sufferers who have been dependent on steroid medications for asthma can be weaned off of them and put on the Chinese herbs, with better results, and less concern about side effects. So far, the initial results are promising.   The allergy research so far has concluded that these adaptogenic herbs may help to support the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and may be beneficial in restoring adrenal function to a normal level. It is also believed that these Chinese herbs may have immunotherapeutic properties that are beneficial to asthma and allergy sufferers.   It is important that researchers and scientists constantly look for new forms of relieving allergy symptoms through allergy research in the hope that eventually a cure for allergies may be found. It is important to keep in mind however that there are many types of allergies and what may help combat one from May not work so well on another form. In other words, what responds well to a drug allergy may not respond as well to a food allergy. If you more interested this kind of valuable information please visit in lifecares.org.

By Dipali Roy
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Biography: Dipali is an enthusiastic blogger and marketing manager. She maintains the keen interest in progress and development in the marketing and business space. she also provides consultancy to small and medium-sized companies to build their brands online design and execute their online marketing strategy to propel business growth.

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