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The Subconscious Mind is the Final Frontier for Creating Health
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Tags: physical illness, emotional difficulties, Natural healing for addiction habbits

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Do you or a loved one struggle with physical illness or emotional difficulties?

Are unhealthy behaviors or addiction causing you problems?

Do you want to reclaim your self, your health and your life?

Working with the natural healing power of the subconscious mind is the final frontier for creating health and wellness.

The subconscious mind takes care of our memories, our beliefs, our perceptions and our feelings. It also controls our entire body through the Autonomic Nervous System. Just a single thought sends millions of neural-chemical responses that affect how we feel. These chemicals directly influence what happens with our physical and emotional health and they also impact how we choose to behave throughout life.

When a neural-pathway is traveled repetitively, a subconscious association or connection is established. This is how we learn new things. Most of these core connections are set by about ten years of age. They determine how we feel about our self, how we feel about the world, and how we choose to interact with other people. Unfortunately, these associations are often based on false information or "mis-perceptions" bestowed upon a young innocent mind.

Over time, these automatic responses can lead to physical health problems, emotional imbalances, addictive behaviors and relationship problems. Independent of age, intelligence or time, problems occur and re-occur because the subconscious associations still exist. The same neural-chemical responses continue to be re-triggered independent of what is actually occurring in the persons environmental surroundings. In other words, the messages received by the brain are independent of what is really happening. The mind and body respond to what is most influential, the automatic chemical responses based on the pre-established connections and associations within. These patterns can however be disrupted and changed.

When the subconscious associations are reviewed and changed, the problem is often eliminated completely. This can be accomplished through evidence-based skills of self-hypnosis and self-hypnotherapy. Hypnosis opens direct communication with the subconscious mind while the conscious mind remains fully aware and discerning. It provides an opportunity to explore, understand and transform old associations and patterns that are causing the problem to occur in the first place.

Thousands of people have experienced real physical, emotional and behavioral improvements, often defying what followers of traditional medicine believe to be possible and you can too!

By Roberta A. Swartz Clinical Hypnotherapist
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Roberta Swartz graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in adapted physical education. As she worked with mentally retarded, severely emotional disturbed and autistic children, her already keen interest in the mind-body connection grew stronger. Roberta went on to receive certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist through the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners in 1984. She has been helping people create physical and emotional health through self-hypnosis classes, seminars and private hypnotherapy sessions for twenty-seven years.

Examples of clients' successful outcomes with her guidance include:

* Physical wellness- Elimination of allergies, anorexia, asthma, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, fibromyalgia, insomnia, irritable bowels, migraines, pain and stress. Successful surgery preparation and recovery, dental work and ease of childbirth have also been experienced.

* Emotional wellness- Permanent resolution of anxieties, fears, phobias, erratic mood swings, poor self image, depression and bi-polar activity.

* Behavior modification - Freedom from addictions, obsessive compulsive behaviors, unhealthy relationships, fear of public speaking and performance anxiety.

* Pediatric Hypnotherapy - Children experience resolution of: anger, fear and anxiety, difficult social behaviors, reactive attachment disorders, bed wetting, night terrors, nail biting, stomach aches and unhealthy sleep patterns.

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The Subconscious Mind is the Final Frontier for Creating Health

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