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Top 20 Most Inspirational Comments from Hip Replacement Patients
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People write online about the challenges of preparing for (or recovering from) hip replacement surgery every day. But post-operative patients also frequently share the joy that the results of their surgery have brought to their lives. Below we have compiled 20 inspirational comments from the most popular knee replacement forum on the internet. Happily, it was a challenge to narrow this list to just 20 comments. We actually started out trying to create a top-10 list, but there were just too many great stories to share from these online forum participants for whom hip replacement surgery was simply life changing.

1."Part of recovery is the simple pleasure from accomplishing a new milestone. I have not been able to walk upstairs/downstairs going leg over leg since September of 2008. It was such a joy this week to go up the stairs "normally" without pain!!!!" - webbie73

2."I've spent so much time in pain that even the little things I do now are more than before. I can stand and fold clothes and do dishes - haven't been able to do that in the last year. It feels good now so I love to do it." - mdakota

3."Had Right THR 3 weeks ago and I'm shocked to say that I feel pretty darned good! I can walk fairly normally unaided around my house. I can play with the dog. I can get up and down the stairs with no pain and relative ease. Just wanted to let anyone know that there really IS light at the end of the tunnel!" - Janet

4."I had my left hip done 11 months ago and the right one 4 months ago. I don't even notice them now!" - JGosse

5."I am exactly three weeks post op and I am off to the store, walking every day, doing house keeping, enjoying my family and friends, and feeling SOOOOO much better than before surgery." - pt109

6."I can't recommend hip replacement too strongly. For me, after having both THRs this past year 9 months apart, it's been nearly a miracle. I am pain-free in my hips and able to do things I could not do for years." - JGosse

7."Just went to the Operating Surgeon for 6 week check....no restrictions, just get on with it! I still haven't got to the 90 degree point, but we'll get there. OS suggested lots of "yoga" like stretches to get the joint as mobile as we can." - Kangaroo

8."I feel great! I should have done it sooner!! Although I'm still in the recovery process I feel awesome!" - Ginny

9."Completed week 4 today and it's hard to believe that two weeks ago I was in such terrible shape. Already planning 3rd rim to rim of Grand Canyon for 2010...doc said go for it. (age 70)" - tom w

10."I was able to drive at 4 weeks after both surgeries and had no problems with braking or accelerating." - JGosse

11."Just completed week 5 and the world has suddenly become a place of: driving a car, going out to dinner, shopping, and enjoying life again. Prior to THR life wasn't a lot of fun and certainly very little pleasure. I now feel alive again..." - tom w

12."I had THR 8 weeks ago and feel FABULOUS! I didn't realize how much pain I was tolerating until now! I feel hopeful about my life." - Ginny

13."Thanks to my fitness, I breezed through the surgery, setting a record for shortest hospital stay for bilateral THR (2 days), and recovered faster and easier than expected. I have been able to return to everything I want. I have also returned to horseback riding, after a 25 yr hiatus, and now own, love and show a lovely Hanoverian mare in eventing." - ripanco 14."I am practically running as I power walk in the morning these days. So great to feel good." - Laurie

15."I'm flexing well beyond 90 degrees. I can even almost touch my nose to my knee while stretching!" - Scott

16."I understand being scared. But, I am 3 mos. post op right total hip replacement and I am pain free!!!!" - mambo

17."Prior to the surgery I couldn't even run (ride my bicycle) 40 minutes without my leg being so sore I would have to use my hands to help lift it. I'm honestly shocked how well the hip is doing. By the time I was done (with the ride) I did 50 miles!" - Scott

18."It's amazing how fast I've been able to graduate from wanting to get back to what I could do before, to wanting to do more than I ever could." - mdakota

19."Friday was my 6 week milestone. I must say I am absolutely amazed at how good I feel, not just my lovely new hip, but in general. I see progress every single day, sometimes massive leaps and sometimes the slightest thing, but progress it is!" - Andy-LTHR

20."I have reached my 12 week milestone where my surgeon said I would have achieved 90% recovery. I am walking up to 3 miles a day with no pain, planning to increase to 5 miles 3 times a week. Back to all day-to-day activities with no limping. Even played a little lawn volleyball with my sons! I stood for a couple of hours at an outdoor concert with no pain. Most of the time I don't even think about my new hip. It feels completely natural." - GailW and internet technologies.

By Jeremy Reither
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Jeremy Reither manages the online outreach effort for BoneSmart®, which is dedicated to raising global awareness about knee replacement and Total hip replacement options for consumers. He specializes in raising consumer awareness through the use of new media and internet technologies.

(Total : 20)
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