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Top 20 Most Inspirational Comments from Knee Replacement Patients
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People write online about the challenges of preparing for (or recovering from) knee replacement surgery every day. But post-operative patients also frequently share the joy that surgery has brought to their lives. Below we have compiled 20 of the most inspirational comments from the most popular knee replacement forum on the internet. Happily, it was difficult to narrow this list to just 20 comments. In fact, we started out trying to create a top-10 list, but there were just too many great stories to share from these online forum participants for whom knee replacement surgery was simply life changing.

1."I had my TKR on my Rt knee 11-27-08. That day I consider it my rebirth." - Junebug88

2."It came down to this, for me - I wanted my life back... [now] at least I can sleep at night, not limp down the hallways in school and I can regain most of the activities that I enjoyed so much in the past." - referee54

3."Yesterday my family took a drive to this restaurant that we love that is 2hrs away. I was able to do it with out pain, sat had dinner with friends, visited with them for 2 hrs then was able to tolerate the 2hr drive home, WITH OUT PAIN!!!!!!!!! I am excited!" - Sue

4."Just got home from the hospital. I went in last Thursday and had the right knee replaced. A very interesting experience. This forum was instrumental in getting me mentally prepared." - Doug

5."I had a GREAT DAY! A lot of firsts for me today! I am 8 weeks post op and today was the first day I drove my children for the after school activities. Went food shopping without a scooter! and cooked dinner. I was out and about for 3 hrs in the car alone, with out pain, and first time I left home with out medications and a back up driver. It is exciting." - JuneBugg88

6."(13 days post-op) I was with my walker in the kitchen today. I stopped to get a glass and without thinking turned and walked over to the fridge. My walker was 6-8 feet away. My wife's mouth dropped open!" - Doug

7."I made it to three weeks and had some great milestones. (for me anyway). I rode the torture bike for 30 mins. I practiced walking w/o a cane and was able to do so w/o a limp. My leg straightens to 0. My bend is at 110. I only took one pain pill this morning however due to the above, I am about to grab a couple. Finally, I took a bubble bath!!!!! Yep, got my big butt in the tub and dern near disappeared from sight in the bubbles. I guess I have a tendency to over do everything." - Doug

8."My Mother asks every morning what I "learned" on this [knee replacement forum] website...I feel so much better every time I read through the threads." - Pattipoo

9."Today is my four week post surgery anniversary and to my surprise, I am able to go up and down stairs with just the cane." - Doug

10."Today is a non-therapy day for me, so I'm great. I went this morning and picked up flowers and a Valentine card for my wife and surprised her at work. As for the other, I made it through PT yesterday so anything is possible... ;-)" - gatiger

11."I had my (minimally invasive) surgery at 7:30 am on Monday and 'walked' across the room 2 hours after surgery. It was easier than I thought it would be. You can do this!" - sstoots

12."I feel like I'm re-entering normal life and paying less attention to my knees." - hollie9

13."I had a bilateral and my left leg was stiff for almost four months... it went away. I would wake up and it would feel great - but by the time I got to school, and after a long day on my feet, it would be stiff. Then, in late March, it seemed to clear up almost over night." - referee54

14."I had to climb a couple flights of stairs and my new knee just "sprung" up them." - hollie9

15."I keep being told I look younger since my Bilateral Knee Replacement. (I'm 66). A lady in church last week asked if my hubby realized he had brought home a new wife from the hospital!!!" - stives

16."Took my first mini hike of 2 miles about 40 miles outside of Mount McKinley this week, drove for 3 hours straight and managed to walk after getting out of the truck, painted a room and carried and placed way too many patio blocks and retaining wall chunks... and mowed the lawn multiple times. I finally feel almost normal." - AlaskanTKR

17."I would like to thank everyone for all their support as I approach my surgery. All of you [forum members] have been so sweet and helpful!!! Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. I love all of you!" - Cindy88fan

18."I no longer limp and every day I discover a bit more that I can do that was impossible, difficult or painful before I had my two new knees." - stives

19."I race stock cars and I raced Friday night for the first time since my BLTKR (bilateral total knee replacement) a year ago. I was so excited to get my life back." - GaryM

20."To those who will have to confront knee surgery, I offer the key to my success...select a doctor who is an expert and specialist in joint replacements (should perform hundreds of knee replacements per year), select a physical therapy facility that has extensive experience with knee replacement patients, and then commit to the physical therapy and work very hard. It is not easy but the rewards are significant." - Jayhawk

By Jeremy Reither
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Jeremy Reither manages the online outreach effort for BoneSmart®, which is dedicated to raising global awareness about Total knee replacement and hip replacement options for consumers. He specializes in raising consumer awareness through the use of new media and internet technologies.

(Total : 20)
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