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Relation Between Smoking and Infertility in Men and Women
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According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 1/3 of infertility cases are attributable to women. 1/3 is attributable to men and the remaining 1/3 to combined infertility or unexplained causes. Find out below about how smoking can directly lead to infertility.

Introduction of infertility

Experts in reproduction and infertility consider any male or female or couple infertile if they are under the age of 34, have not used contraceptive and have tried to conceive for a period of 12 months. If the female is above the age of 35 and has not conceived after a period of 6 months of contraceptive-free intercourse or if a female is incapable of carrying a pregnancy to term, it may be termed infertility.

Causes of infertility in males

The main cause of infertility in males is low sperm count or volume. Sperm production is affected due to hormonal problems in the testicles or pituitary gland, treatment of cancer with chemotherapy or radiation and several other factors. Sometimes genetic problems also play a part. Diabetes and thyroid also cause infertility in men suffering from them. Ejaculation problems such as blocked ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation also play a pivotal role in infertility. Klinefelter syndrome or problems in chromosomes cause infertility too.

Causes of infertility in females

The fertility rate of women is affected by age. Other conditions that lead to infertility in women are pelvic inflammatory disease, ovulation difficulties, diabetes, thyroid disorders, liver problems, kidney disease, problems in the fallopian tube, uterus and cervix and endometriosis (a disorder in the female reproductive organs). Less well-known factors that can lead to infertility in women are excess weight gain or weight loss.

Environmental and lifestyle factors responsible for infertility

Certain lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, rigorous exercises and taking undue physical stress can lead to infertility. Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins like glues, volatile organic solvents, silicones, physical agents, chemical dusts and pesticides also contribute to infertility.

Relations between smoking and infertility

Smoking is not only dangerous for your heart and respiratory organs but also your reproductive functions. Smoking or consumption of substances that contain tobacco reduces sperm production in men and affects the quality of eggs in women, causing infertility in the course of time. Smoking also decreases the production of testosterone in men, thereby causing impotence. Smoking in women causes changes in the cervical mucous, which prevents the sperm reaching the egg and induces infertility.

Treatments that help you to quit smoking

As smoking is an addictive habit, preparation and help is advisable when looking to quit. Chantix and Zyban are 2 clinically proven treatments that help you to quit smoking. Both Chantix and Zyban are approved by the FDA, so that you can quit smoking safely and effectively.

By Hayden Eck
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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