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5 Do's and Don'ts After a Cataract Surgery
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Cataract surgery is a common procedure that many middle-aged adults undergo.   When the lens inside the eye becomes clouded, that’s a cataract.  It’s a condition that cannot be fixed by wearing glasses, contact lenses or with a procedure such as LASIK.  To correct cataracts, a person must undergo cataract surgery.  What are five do’s and don’ts after cataract surgery?


What is cataract surgery?


Because a cataract causes an eye’s lens to become cloudy, cataract surgery, performed by an ophthalmologist, removes the lens, often replacing it with an artificial lens.  Typically, the lens is removed using ultrasound or laser technology. The surgery is done on an outpatient basis.


What are five do’s and don’ts after cataract surgery?


1. Do use your prescription eye drops


When your surgery is complete, you will be prescribed eye drops.  These drops help to prevent your eye from getting infected.  It’s crucial for you to follow your doctor’s instructions concerning the drops, which includes taking your drops at all of the designated times as directed by your doctor.  If you believe it will be difficult for you to remember to take your drops at the appointed times, do something like set alarms on your smartphone to help you remember.


2. Don’t rub your eyes


As your eyes are recovering from the surgery, it is imperative that you don’t press or rub your eyes.  Doing so puts your eyes at risk of infection. Yes, your eyes may itch while they are recovering, but you must resist the urge to rub them to avoid contamination and to help your eyes heal correctly. Your doctor will let you know when you don’t put your eye at risk by touching it. 


3. Don’t perform strenuous activity


You may be a person who routinely performs a strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting.  Or you may be a person who is extremely active, such as a runner. However, after cataract surgery, strenuous activity should be avoided until your doctor gives you the okay to resume.  Therefore, stick to sedentary or light activity until your doctor has informed you that you have recovered.


4. Do wear sunglasses


One of the goals after cataract surgery is to protect your eyes from UV rays and also to protect them from getting infected from wind and debris.  Therefore, after cataract surgery, whenever you go outside, wear sunglasses that block UV rays 100 percent and that allow adequate protection from wind and debris from hitting your eyes.


5. Don’t take showers


Keeping water and soap out of your eyes is critical.  This is because each eye will have an open incision that needs to heal and that needs to be protected from bacteria which can lead to infection.  To be on the safe side, take baths during the healing process rather than showers.


The most important thing for you to do after cataract surgery is to follow your doctor’s orders. This includes taking your drops, keeping elements out of your eyes that can lead to infection, etc.

By Jason
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Jason is a freelance writer and social media advisor who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. He used to blog about lifestyle fashion politics finance & economy during his free time.

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