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Five Top Tips And Tricks To Grow Fruits And Vegetables In A Container Farm
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Growing fruits and vegetables in a container farm is an easy thing for your family to do simply to fill your cupboard.  However, you might want to expand this container farm operation into a business.  A hydroponic container farm, allows you to grow anything you want, and you can use advanced technology to grow massive amounts of fruits and vegetables.  Take a look at all five tips below to learn what you should to do to have more fruits and vegetables growing out back.


1.  Choose Fruits And Vegetables That Grow Easily


You can grow anything you want in Pure Greens Container Farms, but you should go with fruits and vegetables that grow faster than most.  Things like lettuce, corn, tomatoes, and pears will grow very quickly, and you could even have tiny versions of things like pear and apples trees connected to your system.  Hydroponic researchers have made tomato trees that will feed from a hydroponic tube, and you can grow all your own greens using the traditional hydroponic piping. 


2.  Grow Year Round


You must grow year round in your container.  You can grow the same things all year because your closed container is not impacted by the weather.  However, you might choose to grow new fruits and vegetables during different parts of the year to satisfy demand from your customers.  Stick with plants that grow easily including strawberries, blackberries, and grapes. 


3.  Use Natural Pesticides


You might get gnats and fruit flies in the space because you have so many plants growing.  You can spray natural pesticides in the space that will not contaminate your water supply.  There is no need for traps or special products that will keep away large animals, and you can control the air in the environment by filtering the air with a special AC unit. 


4.  Do Not Leave Them Unattended


You might feel as though your farm will run all by itself because it is so simple to manage.  However, you cannot leave your fruits and vegetables unattended.  Anything that falls from the vine needs to be picked up immediately, and you do not want to leave your fruits and vegetables out to ripen for too long.  It makes more sense for you to check a couple times a day.  You can run your farm while working a full-time job, or you could turn this farm into a business that you watch all day every day.


5.  Keep The Container On High Ground


You want to avoid any water that might come from flash floods or a rush of melting snow.  Put your sheds or containers on a a platform to keep them dry, find higher ground for the shed, or waterproof the exterior of the shed so that it closes tight when you close the door.  You can lock the door to secure the crops, and you can put a security camera outside with a light that will turn away any intruders.  Your crops are safe, and they will grow quickly because they have been planted and maintained properly.

By Jason
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Jason is a freelance writer and social media advisor who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. He used to blog about lifestyle fashion politics finance & economy during his free time.

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