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Best Ways To Dodge Cellulite Problems You Are Facing
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“Barbie should make dolls with cellulite!!! After all, around 95% of ALL women have it!” This was a strong statement previously made by Demi Lovato. Despite almost all women having some form of cellulite to some degree, however, Americans alone spent more than the US $13.4 billion in 2015 for various cellulite removal procedures. To say that the figures are “surprising” will be an understatement.


The Real Issues With Cellulite

On a more physiological level, cellulite is the result of the following facts happening just underneath your skin:

• Fat cells are trapped by tough skin fibers, preventing the same from moving away from the surface of your skin and eventually getting flushed out of your system via natural means.

• Fat cells become fatter, and push against your skin surface, making the surface, viewed from the outside, appear bumpy.

• The fibers pull on the skin surface, making the surface, viewed from the outside, appear dimpled.

• Cellulite are more prevalent among women because of a woman’s skin fibers are loosely arranged compared to a man’s, so that when the push from the fats and pull from the fibers combine, these imperfections easily show through the surface of your skin as orange peels.

The Real Solutions To Your Cellulite Woes

Given the physiological facts about cellulite listed above, the following remedies and treatments are recommended depending on how much time you got to relieve your skin of stubborn cellulite:

1. For immediate cellulite relief. If you need to be in your skimpy bikini bottoms tomorrow or, the next couple of days and are so desperate to get those pesky looking cellulite's off of the back of your thighs here are your best remedies:

• Tanning. Semi-permanent tan, to be exact, is what you need for a tan to last you your entire resort stay, and feel confident walking in and out of the water without running your tan. With this remedy, you have 2 choices, that is, either you get a self-tanner or, schedule a professional air sprayed tan.

• Makeup. If there isn’t any water drenching activity involved (and, you will be wearing a dark colored dress), a good body cover up to make your skin appear thicker and hide that cellulite should do the trick without making you too nervous about running off your body makeup. Needless to say, your products should all be waterproof, sweatproof, and long stays.

2. For medium-term treatment. As this set of remedies requires a massive lifestyle change, it can be tricky and arguably the most difficult one to execute.  For starters, experts have already established that the growth of cellulite makes no discrimination between thinner and stouter women.

In these cellulite remedies, therefore, you will not be tackling the root cause of your cellulite instead, you will be minimizing the appearance of bumps and dimples on your skin. When you have this much time to spare, here are the remedies that you can pursue:

• Diet and exercise. Your battle cry for this strategy: Build more muscle, lose more fat. Use a combination of fat burning and weight training exercises to get the most results at the shortest possible period of time.

• Natural remedies. Dry skin brushing with coconut oil can help detoxify affected areas, allowing for the excretion of excess fats, thereby deflating the bulges.

• Topical creams. These products will only help you increase the fat burn of an exercise but, these products aren’t going to burn fats on their own.

3. For longer-term results. Surgery is certainly an option but, the perfection of several non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures have greatly changed the playing field when it comes to cellulite removal. All of the following treatment options have results that are estimated to last for years:

• Minimally invasive procedures. These work by cutting through the fibers then, melting away the fat. Top procedures to consider are Cellulaze and Cellfina.

• Non-invasive procedures. These work similarly as minimally invasive procedures except, no tool will ever be injected underneath your skin. Specific procedures for you to check out are Endermologie and BodyFX.



Among women, cellulites are almost a given. We are the predisposed sex to grow those orange peels. Many times the root cause of the problem that needs resolving are non-physiological rather, a pressure women feel to have legs as flawless as that of a model’s displayed on a billboard. If you can live with them, there really shouldn’t be any compelling reason for you to treat it. It’s not a disease.

By Emma Smith M.A in Literature
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Emma Smith M.A in Literature


Biography: I am Emma Smith a Fashion & Beauty expert.
I live in Los Angeles and have completed M.A in Literature.
Looking forward to Opportunities where I Can share my knowledge and Skills.

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