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Everything You Wanted To Know About Cellulite And Were Too Embarrassed To Ask
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Cellulite is merely the hermiation of body fats with fibrous tissues at the pelvic regions leading to stretch marks, a condition that commonly affects women. The lower limbs are the worst affected with over 85% of women suffering from this condition after giving birth. Below are some of the prevalent causes of cellulite that most ladies are afraid of asking.

1. Hormones

Yes, hormones could cause the formation of cellulite on your body. Hormones play a pivotal role in the creation or lack of cellulite on a female body. Estrogen is a crucial hormone produced by a human body and could lead to the formation of cellulite in the event your body experiences hormonal imbalances. Besides, other hormones like insulin, thyroid, and noradrenalin are possible contributors to the formation of stretch marks. Thus, as a woman, you do not need to ask but do all you can to ensure your body produces hormones proportionally and you will be one step away from cellulite formation on your tender body.

2. Genetic Reasons

We play no role in the formation of our genes, and some of our bodies are susceptible to cellulite formation naturally. Research on the matter indicates that some women will have their bodies develop cellulite without any traces of pregnancies or weight loss. The presence or lack of some genes in a body will just lead to cellulite formation or their absence even in old age.

3. Predispose Reasons

A Persons sex life, biotype, and race have shown to contribute towards the formation of cellulite. Besides, blood circulation inefficiencies make a considerable contribution to their composition or absence.

Here are a Few Types of Cellulite and their Causes.

4. Adipose Cellulite

Adipose Cellulite causes the formation of orange peel on the loose skin which in most cases is due to fluid retention.

5. Fibrotic Cellulite

Here is a form of cellulite that is rigid and comes with an orange peel just like Adipose cellulite. The two come in different ways and may form on our skin by a simple skin pitch. Some types of cellulite are invisible, but on the slightest skin provocation, they will show on your skin. Besides, some cellulites are only visible when lying down probably on a beach. It is important to mention that cellulite’s are not a reserve for the plump but can occur on skinny ladies.

6. Blood Circulation

However, it is important to note that cellulite is likely to form on areas of the body where the body has least blood circulation. Thus, ladies should make body exercise part of their daily routine as healthy living has proven a remedy for curing cellulite almost instantly. Skin-energizing exercises will help your body saying goodbye to cellulite if you are consistent with workouts.

On matters exercise it is essential you concentrate on those that help in losing body fats. Swimming is one of the best-recommended exercises as it improves blood penetration in budge areas.  Cellulite creams should be used hand in hand with the practice to ensure your body is getting all the support it can get.

7. Metabolism

Most people do not know their body metabolism makes a considerable contribution towards the formation or absence of cellulite in your body. Thus, it is vital to boost your body metabolism in all the ways you can as it helps in the fighting of cellulite formation.  

8. Diet

Medics have proven that taking junk foods is yet another cause of cellulite is it not only causes the excess formation of fats but hormonal imbalances. Thus, women need to observe what they eat as it will affect their overall appearance in one way or another.

9. Body Brushing

Women should make body brushing a regular exercise to enhance blood circulation and getting rid off dead skin cells on areas of your body prone to cellulite formation. Always massage have a full body massage and have more emphasis on your thighs and that will enhance your fat diffusion.

10. Lifestyle

Most of our women are glued to their careers and the drive to live a better life. However, most of these professions are inactive as they require them to seat on a chair for more than 8 hours a day. As a result, this deprives them the opportunity to exercise causing the formation of cellulite. As such, women are encouraged to take breaks and ensure you have a lifestyle that gives you room to shape up.

To ensure you have a healthy lifestyle it is essential to cut down the intake of processed foods especially those that come with additives. Besides, avoid fat products and food products with high sugar content they are a vital contributor to orange peel cellulite.

Finally, always remember that cellulite is a condition that can be avoided despite the cause.  

By Emma Smith M.A in Literature
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Emma Smith M.A in Literature


Biography: I am a Fashion & Beauty expert completed M.A in Literature
I live in Los Angeles and have written article's for various websites in this niche.

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Cellulite And Were Too Embarrassed To Ask

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