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Heal Cold Sores - The Truth About How to Heal a Cold Sore
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Heal cold sores - once difficult, but now very easy. By the time you are done reading this article, you will know how to quickly heal cold sores.

For you to heal cold sores most effectively, you will need to use at least one of these two ways. Use them together and heal cold sores even faster.

Hey, it is well know that your body is able to heal cold sores without your help. This is a long process, however, often taking as long as four weeks. Why put up with the pain and embarrassment any longer than you have to?

If you want to heal cold sores as quickly as possible, it is important to understand the underlying cause of the outbreak. Perhaps you know, but let us touch on it briefly for those that do not.

Herpes simplex virus is the cause of all cold sore outbreaks. It enters a surface cell and forces the cell to make exact replicas of the virus. Once the cell is full or exhausted, it is destroyed - releasing these fully functional virus copies.

First, redness and swelling occur as the cells create new virus. Then the host cells break open, creating the open wound. We are very fortunate that this virus only creates sores on the surface, or it would pose a serious health risk.

To heal cold sores fast, you must use at least one of these two techniques.


If you suffer from frequent cold sore events, you should first begin using a high quality multi-vitamin supplement.

You will soon find this to be the best cold sore prevention and healing method around. A quality vitamin supplement will build up a strong immune system defense against this and other types of viruses.

In addition to a daily multi-vitamin regimen, taking lysine supplements during an outbreak will stop, or slow down, the virus replication process.

Although it is good to consume high lysine foods, such as fish and dairy products, the 500-milligram capsules are much easier and very convenient. Lysine is a common protein and quite safe, even up to 7000 milligrams per day or more.

The more quickly you stop the virus and send it back into hibernation, the faster you will heal cold sores.

Do you get a lot of sores? If so, studies have shown that you could be calcium deficient. Calcium is the mineral responsible for keeping your body alkaline. This translates into higher oxygen levels. No virus can function in a high oxygen and alkaline environment.

Most good vitamin supplements already contain 1000 milligrams of calcium per day. You may want to take an additional 1000 to 2000 milligrams daily on top of that.


The most common way to heal cold sores is with a good topical cold sore treatment. This can be a salve, ointment, oil or lotion. The direct approach produces the fastest results, by far.

Ointments that contain zinc, either in the form of sulfate or gluconate, work very well when applied to the sore. Watch out for other forms of zinc, such as zinc oxide, as they do not absorb readily.

Essential oils, such as garlic or olive oil, are great cold sore treatments. They will stop any virus in its tracks when placed directly on the infected area. Faster healing will then be the result.

Your sore enters the healing phase right after it bursts open. Ice will give you wonderful comfort but will slow down healing. It is better to use a warm tea-bag anytime you want to speed heal cold sores.

Constant cleansing of the sore with alcohol or peroxide is very important for fast healing. It can also prevent re-infection, or spreading the virus to a new location.

Your body can heal cold sores without your help. But, if you want to get rid of them quickly, then help your body along with the cold sore treatment options in this article. They will cut the duration of the sore by an honest third.

Imagine eliminating the embarrassing and painful sore in less time than ever before. Plus, you can now reduce the number of future outbreaks.

Using internal remedies to support the external remedies you are using is the best and quickest road to heal cold sores rapidly.

By Denny Bodoh
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Denny Bodoh is a 35 year newspaper veteran and publisher. Denny has been a dedicated natural health research writer during most of his career.

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