Millions of people, particularly women, have been searching far and wide for the reason that they just can't lose the weight they've been trying to shed. One culprit that most people never realize is living in their body is parasites. In fact, the scientific community believes that parasites are the reason that 32% of the women in this country are overweight and suffer from chronic fatigue.
Parasites do a variety of different types of damage to the body. They use the body as a host and feed off not only the nutrients that the body consumers, but the body's energy as well. It is estimated that approximately 73 percent of people are struggling with symptoms related to parasites, but they have no idea.
Here are just a few of the types of damage that parasites do to your body:
·Blocks the body from absorbing nutrients.
·Trigger yeast overgrowth.
·Acidify body systems.
.Make your organs function in a sluggish manner.
The good news is that there are several herbal supplements that you can take to rid your body of these parasites. Extensive studies have found that there are several herbal healers that kill parasites. It is estimated that you could lose up to 22 pounds by simply taking these herbal compounds and ridding your body of its parasite infestation. At the same time, your body will then be able to begin healing itself from the damage that the parasites have caused. If you're looking for more information on the types of products that you can use to rid your body of parasites, visit Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. Here you will find numerous products that will assist you in relieving your body from the strain that parasites put upon it. The various herbal supplements available can help you to get your body back into its proper balance and parasite free.
By Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND RN, ND, PhD
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