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Understanding Detox
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Many diets help you to eat healthier or will help you shed pounds for a short period of time, but very few of today's fad diets actually help to clean out your system. Instead, these diets tend to starve your body and it loses weight because it doesn't have enough nutrients to live off of properly to naturally shed fat. Also, many of these diets promote toxins in the body because you're not consuming a healthy diet that helps to flush these toxins out. This is where detox comes in.

Detox does two things to your body:
1.Releases mental, physical, emotional and environmental toxins from your body
2.Rests your digestive system.

Just about every person needs a detox, because these days, we're all in terrible shape and full of toxins from our environment and our fast food. There are a number of ways that you can detox yourself. You can give up junk food and soda or you can go vegetarian. However, many people don't detox effectively and give their bodies time to clean itself out properly.

A cleansing detox or diet detox will provide your body with maximum nutrition in small doses that the body can use effectively. Because the body is receiving the proper nutrition it needs in the doses it needs, the body is able to detox quite effectively and it keeps your body from being depleted of the nutrients it needs to keep you from rebound gaining weight and losing weight sporadically. Instead, the body is able to stop this "yo-yo" effect and is able to use the nutrition that you provide it in a manner that causes it to stop storing fat and reduces the need for the stored fat that you already have. Instead, it begins to shed the fat that it doesn't need and you lose weight. At the same time, you're allowing your body the ability to heal the damage that has occurred in your body organs and tissues.

To learn more about what a cleansing detox and a detox diet can do for you, visit Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. You will find that there are several supplements that can assist you in your weight loss goals through detox and detox diet kits that will help to remove the toxins from your body so that you can begin shedding fat naturally.

By Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND RN, ND, PhD
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND, PhD is a lifestyle consultant and owner of Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. She is also the author of "21 Pounds in 21 Days," which debuted #3 on the New York Times Bestseller list. She is a registered nurse, colonic therapist and naturopathic doctor. She travels across the country helping people to make their lives better and healthier via natural health sciences.

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