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Precaution to take before using Reductil sibutramine
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Reductil sibutramine is a prescription only weight loss pill that works as appetite suppressant and helps obese people to gradually lose weight. Reductil also helps people from regaining the weight they have lost. Reductil sibutramine was approved by the FDA in 1997 for the treatment of obesity. Since then the drug has helped thousands of obese people to gradually lose weight and lead a more healthy life.

Sibutramine the active compound in Reductil is manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. Sibutramine is sold by the trade name of Meridia in the US and Canada and Reductil in Europe and most other countries. Reductil sibutramine works best when used in conjunction with a physician supervised low-calorie diet and proper physical exercise.

Reductil sibutramine is only prescribed to people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or above or to people with a BMI above 27 who also suffer from conditions such diabetes where it is important for them to lose weight.

Define Reductil sibutramine

Reductil sibutramine works as an appetite suppressant and satiety enhancer. It helps your brain to feel “full” even when you have eaten less. Sibutramine – the active ingredient in Reductil belongs to a class of medicines called serotonin- noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor.

When we eat, the neurotransmitters in our brain produce two naturally occurring chemicals noradrenaline and serotonin. When the level of these chemicals reaches a certain level we feel full and we stop eating. Once we stop eating, the noradrenaline and serotonin are reabsorbed into the nerve cells. Eventually, when the level of these chemicals readily available goes down below a certain level, we feel like eating again.

Reductil sibutramine works by preventing the re-uptake of noradrenaline and serotonin, so more of these chemicals remain in the space between the brain's nerve cells. This mechanism makes you feel full even when you have eaten less. Further, your appetite between meals will be suppressed so you do not feel the urge to eat fatty snacks. Thus by reducing the intake of calorie, Reductil sibutramine diet pills helps you to gradually lose weight.

Precautions to take before using Reductil sibutramine

Reductil sibutramine is proven to be a safe and effective weight loss drug when used with caution. Listed below are precautions to take before using Reductil sibutramine for weight loss -

  • Most importantly, you should consult a doctor before using Reductil sibutramine as the drug is contraindicated in certain medical conditions and with some medicines.
  • When you consult a doctor, either face-to-face or via online consultation, inform in detail about your medical condition and any type of prescription or OTC medicines you may be taking.
  • Let your doctor know if you have allergies or have a known allergy to any of the components of Reductil sibutramine.
  • Do not use Reductil sibutramine if you have -
  • eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa.
  • uncontrolled or severe high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, increased blood pressure in the lungs, or have had a stroke
  • history of seizures
  • severe liver or kidney problems or you are on dialysis for severe kidney problems
  • hemophilia or other bleeding problems
  • you are taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) (eg, fluoxetine), another appetite suppressant,
  • if you have taken anti-depressant monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAO) inhibitor (eg, phenelzine) within the last 14 days
  • Do not use Reductil sibutramine if you are currently suffering from depression or if you have a history of depression.
  • Caution is also advised in patients who have epilepsy or sleep apnea.
  • Inform your doctor if you have glaucoma (an eye disease) or Parkinson's disease (a disorder of the nervous system that causes difficulties with movement, muscle control, and balance)
  • Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. You should use effective birth control to be sure you do not become pregnant while you are taking sibutramine
  • Do not use other prescription or non-prescription weight loss medications along with Reductil as some medicines may interact with Reductil.
  • To achieve weight loss goals use Reductil sibutramine diet pills along with a reduced calorie diet and by following an exercise regimen.

Inform your doctor if any of Reductil sibutramine side effects become bothersome.

By Katie B.A. & M.A. In English, BSC, SEO since last 2 years
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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