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Stop smoking with prescription medication Champix
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Champix is a prescription drug, developed for smoking cessation. The active ingredient in Champix is varenicline. Unlike other treatments, intended for smoking cessation, Champix does not contain nicotine. If you are struggling to quit smoking and want to kick the habit for good, you can ask your doctor if Champix is safe for you.

Champix history

Champix is manufactured by Pfizer, and has begun to offer hope for smokers. It also comes at a time when fresh laws have been introduced, to prohibit smoking in public places. Champix has proven more successful than other quit smoking aids. It can help control cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It also blocks nicotine receptors in the brain, which in turn reduces the pleasure factor that makes smoking so addictive. This can make it easier to stop smoking. It is sold in the United States under the name of Chantix. In Europe, it is sold as Champix.

Benefits of taking Prescription Champix

Champix varenicline is a pill, so it is easy to administer. It does not contain nicotine and is not addictive. You are advised to take it for 12 weeks, beginning one to two weeks before you plan to quit. For the first three days of varenicline therapy, you are advised to take a 0.5-milligram tablet each morning with breakfast. On the fourth day, another 0.5-milligram tablet with evening meal should then be included with your evening meal. On the eighth day, you are then advised to take 1 milligram at breakfast and 1 milligram at dinner. To avoid nausea, it is recommended that Champix be taken with a full glass of water after a meal.

Precautions with Champix

Varenicline should be used with caution in people who have severe kidney problems. In addition, quitting smoking with varenicline may be associated with anxiety, nervousness, tension, depression and irregular moods. In the event of any of these effects, you are advised to consult your doctor. Some users have also reported some degree of visual disruption. It is advisable for your friends and family to closely monitor changes in patients receiving Champix treatment. If the side effects of Champix appear to be severe, you must cease treatment, and consult a doctor immediately.

Champix has not been studied in children under 18 years of age, thus it is not recommended for children under 18 years of age to use this product. Pregnant women or women who or breast-feeding who are also advised to steer clear of treatment. People with severe renal disease should stay away from Champix.

Tell your doctor about your medical conditions such as:

  • kidney problems or kidney dialysis
  • depression or other mental health problems
  • epilepsy

If you are suffering from any of the above conditions, it is possible that you may be deemed unsuitable for treatment. Side effects can vary from one to another, which is why it is vital that you consult your doctor before hand. Seek medical attention, if you face any problems during Champix treatment for smoking cessation.

By Katie B.A. & M.A. In English, BSC, SEO since last 2 years
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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