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Treat impotence successfully with pioneer drug Viagra
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When Viagra was introduced more than a decade ago, little did people know, it would become one of the most famous and successful course of Impotence treatments.

The history of Viagra

Researchers at Pfizer stumbled across Viagra accidentally during clinical trials of its active ingredient, Sildenafil. They discovered that this active ingredient was in fact responsible for some interesting side effects. During these trials, a large number of men experienced firm erections. Before long, this progressive ingredient became its biggest selling point. Pfizer hit the jackpot with this discovery and Viagra has become every man’s choice for impotence.

The huge success of Viagra gave has paved the way for a number of imitation drugs, prescription as well as non-prescription. It seemed that every other drug manufacturer jumped on the bandwagon and more than a dozen herbal Viagra products were introduced. Viagra’s success however, did not come without andmany fake Viagra products came into existence. These fake Viagra products are not only ineffective but also harmful.

The benefits of taking prescription Viagra

Reports have shown that men who take more pills then recommended, will suffer from a number of adverse effects, including visual disruption. In particular, certain people can begin to see things that are not there. However, this condition has not been confirmed as permanent or otherwise.

It is important that you stick to the recommended dosage of Viagra or ensure that you purchase the product from a reputable source. Fake Viagra can lead to a host of side effects as they contain harmful ingredients like boric acid, leaded paint, talcum powder, and floor wax. Counterfeit products can prove to be extremely dangerous; unfortunately, people opt for the cheaper option.

Precautions when taking Viagra

Viagra is a useful and effective drug for impotence. It has helped millions of men to treat their condition, which was previously thought to be untreatable. A large proportion of men obtain a prescription for Viagra, whilst ignoring their doctor’s suggestions. Some men hide their medical problems in order to get a prescription of Viagra. This will however, prove to be detrimental in the long run as Viagra can lead to a number of side effects. The product may not be safe for all men. Precautions must be taken while taking Viagra pills to avoid adverse reactions, some of these precautions are:

  • Do not take nitrate medicines
  • Avoid Viagra with alpha-blockers
  • Do not take Viagra if you have been advised to refrain from sex
  • Avoid Viagra if you have severe kidney and/or liver problems
  • Do not take Viagra if you suffer with abnormal blood pressure

By Katie B.A. & M.A. In English, BSC, SEO since last 2 years
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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