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Treating Headaches
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It very much depends what is causing your headache, and you should not suffer from them on a regular basis without getting expert medical help.

There are many old fashioned remedies for headaches. At one time the Opium Poppies were widely used, but we would soon land up in trouble if we started using them nowadays wouldn't we? so I won't tell you what my ancestors did with them – I'll leave you to guess. (There was also another country belief that field poppies caused a headache, so I suppose that you had to be careful that you knew your poppy from your poppy!).

Valerian, Ground Ivy and Chamomile Tea were other remedies, another which I can remember being administered to me as a young girl involved bathing the forehead with hot water in which mint had been boiled. It in fact did do some good if I remember rightly.

Others, that i didn't try, were rubbing the head with a cut raw potato, or using a snake skin that would be tied around the head, or worn as a hat band inside a hat. You have to ask, why would anyone even think that up!

By Hilary Williams
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