This is the therapist page of which is designed to help you Find a Therapist, Counsellor and/or Psyhologist in Wyoming.
The term "therapist" can refer to people who are professional practitioners, psychologists and/or counselors. Psychologists, counselors and Social Workers may all serve as therapists, depending upon their area of specialization. Therapists can also provide a range of services including individual and group counseling, substance abuse treatment and family counseling, depending on their particular field of expertise.
There are both therapists that can focus on the physical and/or mental health of the person, most are licensed professionals in some way and are trained to work with people that have sustained disabilities, impairments, or limitations in their physical or mental health. Some of these health symptoms can be a result of disease, injury, or pathological processes. Therapists will examine, evaluate, diagnose, develop treatment plans, and provide prognosis for each patient on an individual basis.