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5 Things You Can Do To Stay Healthy
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According to the WHO, nearly 29.15 million deaths in the year 2015 were due to illnesses, such as heart diseases and diabetes. While this is an old figure, the condition has not improved as poor health is still the #1 cause of deaths all around the world. Other than this, about 54 of 100,000 deaths are due to being obese or overweight.

It is important to be healthy physically, as it has an impact on your emotional health as well.

Here’s how you can stay healthy:

Consume a Healthy Diet

In today’s fast world and confusing research reports, it is getting puzzling to decide what to eat and what not to eat.

Despite all the complexity being created, the basics of healthy eating are quite simple.

Your diet should contain foods from all the food groups to ensure that your recommended daily totals for nutrients are being met to support good health.

Thus your diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, protein sources such as meats, beans, chicken, fish, dairy foods and whole grains.

Also, you can use supplements to fulfil your body’s needs and achieve your goals. For example, Fit Tea can help you lose weight, and making it a part of your diet can make the job easier for you.

Exercise Regularly

As difficult as it is to find the time and motivation to do physical activity, it is crucially important that you exercise at least 30 minutes daily.

Exercising helps in preventing diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, strokes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and colon cancer. It also helps in treating depression, stress, as well as anxiety.

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

If you want to improve and maintain your health, you should limit yourself from the curse of smoking and alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption causes breathing difficulties, anaemia, diarrhoea and blackouts. Excessive or binge drinking can even damage the brain, and lead to serious issues including liver diseases, certain types of cancers, and ulcers. Other than this, it may also lead to relationship issues.

On the other hand, smoking is not very healthy either. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year, smoking causes more deaths than alcohol use, drug abuse, HIV, vehicle injuries, and firearms-related incidents combined.

Make sure to quit these habits or at least reduce the consumption if you wish to be healthy.

Good Hygiene

The habit of practising good physical and oral hygiene improves overall health while also preventing certain types of infections and diseases.

Make sure to bathe regularly and use soaps that help kill bacteria.

Spiritual Peace

The most important thing that most people do not have the time for in today’s digitized, the fast-paced world is to find the inner peace and happiness.

If you are also such a person, then it is time to make a move and find peace.

You can find your inner peace by meditating, staying close to nature and staying away from all worries.

By following the above-mentioned tips, you will see a major difference in your health in no time.

If you want some more healthy tips then Doctor 4 U provides an online doctor service. Doctors are experienced and trained to assess your suitability to receive treatment or advice.

By Ella Maclin
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Ella Maclin


Biography: I am Ella Maclin ans I would love to write about on different things.

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