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Cefaly a Novel Design Electrotherapy Device For Prevention and Treatment of Headache
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About Cefaly Treatment

Cefaly is the first cranial analgesic electrotherapy device to have advanced Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation treatment and an ISO medical certification. Cefaly can also help people experiencing painful discomfort of trigeminal neuralgia and frontal sinusitis.

Headache is not specific to a particular age group but a more generalized problem. Cefaly is known to acts on the physiological mechanisms that are not age reliant. Therefore, Cefaly aids in alleviating symptoms and preventing them regardless of your age. Moreover, Cefaly is suitable for children also from age 8 and above, provided it is used under adult supervision.

Cefaly employs sophisticated state of art technology using Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation therapy in a patented device that is lightweight, easy to use and effective.

Cefaly creates gentle electric impulses that act on the nerve cells. It works on nerves responsible for the pain and various other sensations in the area that is most associated with migraine and headache.


Cefaly is beneficial, when the pain is located in the front half or the skull. Through its skin electrode, Cefaly transmits detailed electrical impulses intended to manipulate the trigeminal nerve utilizing Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation to prevent pain signals from being realized in the brain and thus hampering the stimulation of endogenous endorphin production.

Worn like a pair of spectacles, Cefaly is designed to prevent and treat chronic and recurrent headache and substantially reduce or prevent stress and stress related anxiety. During the 20 minute Cefaly treatment session, a pleasant tingling sensation is felt. The intensity of the sensation can be adjusted to personal preferences. The treatment can be repeated immediately, if required. However, there are no known benefits when the pain is located at the back of the skull or in the lower part of the face below the eyes.

Cefaly should not be used:

  • After a recent brain or facial trauma
  • If suffering from Meniere's disease
  • If having broken or damaged skin on the forehead, in the area of electrode application
  • While driving or operating heavy industrial machinery

Why Cefaly?

Cefaly utilizes Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation therapy and is well recognized for its efficacy, safety and absence of side effects. It is not only harmless but very safe to use. Its safety standards have been demonstrated in tests as well as in clinical studies. No adverse side effects were evident during clinical trials.

Cefaly generates very precise electrical impulses which stimulate the nerve fibres selectively. As the impulses are generated very gradually, they are barely visible at the start of the treatment session. Because of advanced technology, Cefaly enables the electronic feedback mechanism to adjust the electrical impulses to specific requirements tailored for efficacy and comfort.

Cefaly user statistics reveal that:

  • 95% of users find Cefaly very simple to use
  • 87% of users describe a definite improvement 79% of users saw a drastic reduction in their consumption of drugs
  • 2 out of 3 tension headache are relieved with the use of Cefaly
  • 65% reduction in headache with only 20 minutes of Cefaly use
  • 66% reduction in severe pain after only 20-40 minutes of Cefaly use
  • 59% reduction in recurrence and duration of painful headache
  • 1 in 4 migraine attacks are controlled by Cefaly use

Cefaly Technical Guide

Cefaly is supplied with:

  • A carry case
  • Fitted batteries (2 x 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries)
  • Skin electrode
  • Cleansing wipes
  • Easy to follow User Manual

Use of Cefaly is uncomplicated to easy. It is worn like a pair of spectacles or a forehead band. Its technical guide includes :

  • Firstly place the self adhesive reusable Cefaly electrode on the forehead.
  • Then the Cefaly unit is positioned over the electrode to form an electrical connection.
  • The button on the device is pressed and Cefaly starts delivering the 20 minute treatment automatically. For the extent of the treatment, the individual can either relax or carry on with the task in hand.
  • But use of Cefaly is prohibited while driving.
  • When the treatment is concluded, Cefaly unit is first removed from your forehead, followed by the skin electrode.
  • During the session, a pleasant tingling sensation may be felt and the intensity of the sensation can be adjusted to suit personal preferences.
  • After the completion of one treatment session, Cefaly and the electrode can be stored away in its holder or another session can be started immediately, if needed.
  • After conclusion of the session, a localized tickling sensation may be felt on the forehead.
  • This pleasant sensation of lightness and coolness may be felt all over the forehead and may extend to the whole of face, lasting for several hours at a stretch.
  • On the other hand, a deep feeling of rest and relaxation is felt with this anti-stress effect and a very strong sense of wellbeing envelopes the body.
  • Cefaly treatment is found to be the most viable way of increasing the production of endorphins naturally, giving the individual a profound sense of general wellbeing.

By Mark bevan
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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