Based on ancient beliefs, the feet are renowned for being the body's second heart and are connected to the body's major internal organs, the nerve lines of which end at the soles of the feet. The detoxification process can target body organs like the liver and the kidneys via the feet.
A foot spa comprises of a large tub of water mixed with sea salts wherein the feet are immersed. The water in the tub will start to change color based on the internal organs being targeted. Children as young as four years of age can use this safe and natural detoxification process. A foot spa is both painless and safe, but sessions with a foot spa require the user to be properly hydrated. A foot spa is a body cleansing tool and if it does bring curative results, it should be seen as a bonus for having restored one's good health.
Good health is the real wealth that every individual aspires to possess. An unhealthy lifestyle makes an individual more prone to diseases, which can sometimes be serious. As very few people take care about the inner cleansing of their bodies, foot spas help in weight loss and detoxification.
Detox Foot spa
As seen with increasing frequency, toxins assault the body, rise at an alarming rate and cannot be excreted effectively by the daily workings of the body. Because of their gradual build-up, the toxins cause electrolyte imbalances within the cells, prevent the absorption of nutrients and does not have capability to rid the body of waste effectively. In addition to this, the problem is further aggravated because most people do not consume the right quantity of water required by the body. This causes dehydration. Dehydration and toxicity together are responsible for almost all the congestive and degenerative diseases rampant today.
During a detox foot spa, an electrically generated ionic water process is used to stimulate the body which in turns helps in the detox process. Toxins accumulate in our bodies as a result of being exposed to the air around us as well as because of the resultant effects of things like stress, pollution, smoking, alcohol and diet. A detox foot spa treatment generally lasts for about 30 minutes.
The detox foot-spa treatment entails the feet being placed in a salt-water solution, as this is a good medium in which to produce an electric charge. The feet are the best body part for detoxification as they contain over 2,000 pores. Being the end point of the lymph system the entire blood supply is routed through the feet. The electrodes produce a charge that resonates around the feet, balancing the cells and at the same time assisting in the release of toxins. This results in a feeling of well-being. In some cases it may even relieve insomnia, increase energy levels and make you nimble.
The detox foot spa treatment works positively to re-balance the body's energetic field and improve the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues. This treatment is contraindicated in people with pacemakers, epilepsy and if they are pregnant. However, others are encouraged to go all out and take advantage of the detox foot spa.
Ionic Foot Spa
In today's toxic environment, the pollution in the air, the chemicals in our food, the water we drink and even the clothes we wear are all responsible for dumping toxins into our unsuspecting bodies, exposing us to both toxins and heavy metals. Once accumulated in the body, these toxins can be stored in the fat cells which do not release the toxins with ease.
A good way to release toxic build up in the body is to sweat, naturally or otherwise. But this is not always possible. The ionic foot spa is the easy alternative that more and more people are finding great success with. This helps the body rid itself of these unwanted toxins.
A 30 minute ionic foot spa works painlessly by sending a small current through the body which helps generate positively charged ions. The high deliberation of the ion field attaches to the negatively charged toxins. This neutralizes the toxins and the body is then able to discard them through more than the 2000 pores found on the soles of the feet. This also corrects the acid-alkaline ph balance in the body. In fact, children 4 years and above can safely use it provided they are supervised by an adult.
People with pace makers, organ transplants, or expecting or nursing mothers should not use the ionic foot spa.
Most people are somewhat in an acid state, so much so that, the body's natural ph balance is lost. Unable to fight the various diseases, a body is required to be in its natural alkaline-acid ph balance to be able to fight off the daily onslaught, especially when recovering from illness or post surgery.
Ionic foot spa can assist in the following areas:
Enhancing the immune system
Assisting in recovery time from injuries and surgery
Relieving pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
Improving sleep patterns
Removing heavy metals
Removing blood clot material
Improving liver and kidney function
During the ionic foot spa treatment the color of the water must change as the various colours help in deducing which area the body is in detox mode. The various colours in the water indicate:
Black or brown - liver
Orange - joints
Dark green - gallbladder
Yellowy green - kidneys, urinary tract
White foam - Lymph node drainage
Red flecks - blood clot material
Black flecks - heavy metals
The color of the water may be different for each individual depending on the water used and the state of one's health. While using the ionic foot spa, one should be properly hydrated and continue to drink plenty of good water (not distilled) before and during the session and continue the use of colloidal minerals and electrolytes for better conductivity. This renews energy and enhances vitality, a sign that you are regaining better health.
Viatek Ionic Energiser Foot Spa
This Viatek Ionic Energiser foot spa treatment boosts the natural immunity of the body. Although our body does have its own natural detoxification process, the excessive amount of accumulated toxins makes it difficult for the body to remove them. Because of the irregular and stressful lifestyle of the people, the need for detoxification arises and Viatek Ionic Energiser foot spa provides is one such option.
The treatment starts when you put your feet in the foot spa machine, which is filled with water and creates an electronic flow. The body, as a result, experiences a gentle bio-energetic resonance as the feet are gradually massaged. The toxins are removed through the 2000 pores in the soles of the feet after a 30 minute treatment. As the colour of the water changes to brown, the treatment relieves the symptoms of allergies, leg pain, insomnia, dry itchy feet, digestive problems, yeast infections, joint pain, bad complexion and helps enhance the energy levels of the body cells.
Although, there are more luxuries in the present times, the modern world is much more toxic world and has come at a cost of polluting the environment. In addition, it is easy to be exposed to toxic substances through smoking, alcohol, food additives, and pesticides. With these toxins being absorbed by the body, its efficiency to perform tasks is affected.
The natural detoxification process removes about 95% of toxins daily. However, the incomplete detoxification gravely leads to bad skin, cold, flu, tiredness, headache, and body odour. As such, the Viatek Ionic Energiser foot spa helps maintain balance, re-energize the body cells and cleanse the body internally.
By Mark bevan
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