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How to manage your headache and migraine symptoms
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Migraine - Severe headaches can be harmful

Migraines are a common problem in the UK where up to 10% of the population suffer from them. Primarily, they are defined as a severe headache on one side of the head and often accompanied by other distressful symptoms.
Primarily, there are two types of Migraines- migraine with an aura and migraine without an aura. In the former type, headaches are preceded by symptoms such as temporary visual loss, seeing flashing lights, speech problems, and numbness of the face or arms. In the later type, there are no preceding symptoms.

What are the symptoms of a Migraine?
The most common symptoms of Migraines are mood swings and increased food cravings. You can feel Migraine attacks on one side of the head and they may last for four to 72 hours. The immediate remedial measure for a Migraine attack is to lie down in a quiet and dark room.

How do you get a Migraine?
It's not clear what exactly causes a Migraine however, medical experts cite reasons that migraines occur due to changes in the size of blood vessels and the levels of neurotransmitter substances in the brain. In some cases, migraines are also associated with tiredness, stress, dehydration, missed or delayed meals, and even certain foods can trigger migraines such as tea, coffee, chocolate, cheese, and alcohol.

How early can a Migraines show up in childhood?
The childhood migraine is an unrecognized reality, as reports suggest that a quarter of a million children in the UK may be affected by migraines. Most of these children are in the age group 7-15 years. The average age of the onset of Migraines in children is six years.

The most common symptoms of migraines in children are premonitory symptoms such as changes in mood, appetite, thirst, and arousal. Some of the accompanying symptoms are sensitivity to light or photophobia, phonophobia (sound), gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, and depression.

Migraine and headache management
You can certainly keep Migraine problems under control however, there's no permanent cure for it. The treatments can range from pain killers to some therapies such as acupuncture, osteopathy, yoga, and other methods of relaxation. If these methods prove less effective and migraine attacks are still coming, then you should see a doctor.

For the treatment of migraines and headaches, some medical devices can be quite helpful. These devices are considered revolutionary and designed with the help of special medical technology. One of these devices is Cefaly, which helps to treat migraine and reduces headaches in adults. This device is used on the forehead and its effects act on the nervous system. What to do if you get a Migraine?
If you get a Migraine, then some of the immediate measures for you are listed below:
    • You should lie down in a dark and quiet room
    • You should put a cold rag on your forehead
    • Try to massage your scalp with pressure applied
    • You should put pressure on your temples
    • You can also use Cefaly, if you have already bought it

By Mark Bevan
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Webmaster associate with migraine headache related site. This site provides various information on headache, migraine and hay fever treatment. Resources are available on site headclinic.co.uk

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