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FAQs on Slimming Pills and Herbal Weight Loss Pills
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Slimming Pills

Slimming pills can be any of the following – appetite suppressants, certain chemical derivatives, laxatives, herbal weight loss pills, amphetamines, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, neuropeptide-y inhibitors, and beta-3 adrenergic receptor stimulants. If you are finding these jargons indecipherable, read on to know more about slimming pills and herbal weight loss pills.  

There are several weight loss drugs available in the market today, both over the counter herbal weight loss pills and prescription slimming pills. The following FAQs will help you to make sense out of this bunkum.  

Which slimming pills are appropriate for me?

Prescription  slimming pills may be appropriate only for few carefully selected patients who are at significant health risk because of their obesity.  

If you are only mildly overweight, you will not be recommended prescription slimming pills unless you have health problems that are made worse by your weight. If you want to lose weight only to look more attractive, you can possibly try herbal weight loss pills. However, in any case, your doctor can recommend the best.  

What is the ideal dosage of slimming pills?

The dosage for prescription slimming pills is normally preset or determined by a consulting doctor. If however you choose herbal weight loss pills, you may get information about its dosage online or in the packaging leaflet of the medication.  

The dosage for both slimming pills and herbal weight loss pills is normally evaluated based on your medical condition and response to the treatment.  

Does that mean I can skip healthy foods and exercises for a while?

No. The use of both, herbal weight loss pills and prescription slimming pills will not take you far unless accompanied by physical activity and healthy diet to lose and maintain weight successfully over the long run.  


Most studies show that the majority of patients who stop taking herbal weight loss pills regain the weight they lost. If you do not want this to take place, it is essential you maintain healthy eating and physical activity habits. Prescription slimming pills are said to help not only to lose weight but also to maintain it.  

How long will I need to take herbal weight loss pills?

Different herbal weight loss pills are to be taken for different periods. For instance, if you take some herbal concoctions, you might see a positive effect in a fortnight whereas some herbal weight loss pills may take up to six months also.  

Prescription slimming pills are said to help in two months and if you do not see any positive results in six months, the treatment should be stopped. If either you do not see any results from prescription slimming pills or herbal weight loss pills like hoodia in six months, it is best to stop that treatment.  

By Shaily john
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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