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Herbal Weight Loss Remedies
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From childhood obesity to the morbidly obese adult, this country is seeing obesity in epidemic proportions. Officials report an increase of 33% in obesity in the last 10 years.

Childhood obesity is obviously where our problem begins and they are the target of a lot of the advertising that's put out there. They're encouraged everyday to "go large". Big Fries, Jumbo Drinks, Triple Burgers. Often breakfast is skipped and lunch is less then healthy...pizza, those burgers, or something equally as bad. The evening meal is often rushed with baseball practice, evening meetings, homework and other similar activities. With the fast-paced lifestyle and poor eating habits we've become used to, adding a pure and natural supplement to your child's diet is a way to give them the necessary nutrition they need that they're not getting through their food.

The five food groups are still in existence, it's just the preparation that's killing us, literally, in some cases. Grains, we eat pizza; vegetables, we eat french fries; fruit, we eat in a pie; calcium, we consume milkshakes; protein, there's that triple burger again; fats; in abundance, just look at the previous four. Combine this with driving everywhere and sitting when we get there, what chance do we have?

Being fat is not just about how we look, the chronic conditions that result from obesity, such as Diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, are by far the more serious side of this problem. Once we get to the point of being that obese couch potato, we have no energy which encourages more weight gain and the vicious cycle continues. Making some dietary changes such as baking that potato and adding an all natural vegetarian protein which provides your body with added energy, will help you get off that sofa and moving.

As little as a 5% to 10% weight loss can greatly improve your health. For example, if you weigh 250 pounds, loosing as little as 12-1/2 to 25 pounds would be significant. If you've been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, this might be enough for you to avoid full blown diabetes. Your BMI, Body Mass Index, should ideally be between 19 and 22. If it's too high, that's when you start to move into the area of risk for developing chronic health issues such as the ones discussed earlier, plus gallbladder, respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, breast, prostrate and colon cancer. No matter how good your intentions or willpower, you're going to have moments of weakness. They can strike anytime, anyplace.

Being overweight and embarking on a weight loss program is not easy, but there are some ways to do it safely and keep the weight off. A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is best. First, stay positive. Second, develop a plan. Set your goal weight and adopt a healthy eating lifestyle. Add physical activity as you can tolerate it and increase it as the weight begins to drop off. Then, finally, turn to nature...

Include natural herbal products developed to aid you in your journey to better health. An anti-sugar formula that will naturally block the absorption of sugar molecules in the intestines; an herbal energy booster that will tone and define muscle; a natural appetite suppressant that also regulates the thyroid blended from garcinia fruit, desert tea, fennel seed, glucomannan, red clover and bladderwrack; iodine phosphate which regulates thyroid activity and the body's metabolism. And end the day soaking in a hot tub with sea salt and weight release bath drops made from fennel seed, grapefruit peel and cypress essentials oils.

By Suzanne VanDeGrift
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Suzanne VanDeGrift of Web Submission Services, Inc. has developed this article on behalf of Dherbs.com  

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