Over 10 million Americans suffer from depression each year. Affecting all segments of the population, depression creates a feeling of hopelessness. Depression is a mood disorder that is spiritual in nature affecting the mind, body and behavior. Natural treatments can eliminate the feelings and symptoms of depression.
Depressed people may have toxic livers and impaired gallbladders, which produces black bile instead of green-colored bile which is very alkaline. A variety of several herbs, such as milk thistle seeds, dandelion and boldo, assist the body in cleansing and strengthening the gallbladder and liver.
Aromatherapy is an ancient healing art and craft that uses essential oils to help relieve, treat, and heal a wide variety of emotional, spiritual and physical problems. Aromatherapy is extremely effective in treating depression by naturally uplifting spirits that are being suppressed. Scents such as lavender, chamomile, catnip as a few aromas act as natural anti-depressent lifting moods and bringing on feelings of happiness and joy.
Chakra balancing can help to create integration and wholeness within ourselves, healing a depressive state. During a Chakra balancing session, The luminous tones of electric piano, Eastern chants and exquisite atmosphere textures spiral up your spine to the top of your head. The result entrains your body, mind, and spirit to a higher rate of vibration and overall well-being.
Treating depression naturally is an alternative to mood altering prescription drugs that come with a host of negative side effects and have been known to lead to suicidal thoughts in some individuals. Studies have confirmed that natural and herbal remedies have proven to be just as effective - if not more effective than prescription antidepressants (including Paxil® and Prozac®), without the negative side effects.
By Dawn Rowlett Writer / Researcher
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