It's no secret that celebrities are all in great shape, but you would be as fit as a butchers dog too if you had personal trainers, your own chef and gym doors opening for free wherever you went. So that is why this week we've decided not to focus on Beyonce's abs or J-Los Bikini Body and instead feature athlete Angie Weston and her inspirational story.
After a traumatic miscarriage, a break up with her boyfriend and suffering from numerous panic attacks Angie's weight ballooned to 13 stone 8lb and was a size 18, following a diet of McDonald's, Pizza, KFC and 40 cigarettes a day. It took Angie 18 months to transform her body and now she is a 7 stone 7lb fitness model and bodybuilding competitor, and here is how she did it:
Angie's Diet consists of a lot of slow releasing, non-wheat carbohydrates such as potatoes since these ensure the body doesn't produce a lot of insulin which is a storage hormone that tells the body to store fat on the body. And since these carbohydrates contain no wheat, they don't cause bloating. Also Angie eats a lot of lean protein such as chicken, egg whites and tuna since these don't have as much saturated fat in as red meat and therefore once again don't store fat on the body.
Cardiovascular Training:
Angie's cardiovascular training consists of 1 hours running, this is perfect for fat loss since few people know that when doing cardiovascular exercise, your body doesn't actually begin to burn fat (oxidise fat) until 20 minutes into the exercise, prior to this your body is simply preparing the fat to be burnt (mobilising fat.) So when doing cardiovascular exercise, try and perform it for at least 30 minutes to get the best possible fat loss gains.
Weight training:
Lastly Angie does 2 hours of weight training a day. Not only does this produce muscle tone, but also weight training can increase your metabolism for up to 48 hours after you have stopped training meaning you burn far more calories and fat than you would just doing cardiovascular training on its own.
By Ross Edgley Sports Science/ Management BSc (Hons)
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