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The One Day Energy Diet Plan!
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                                                     The One Day Energy Plan!

It's Monday and you're back in the office, the weekend seems to be nothing but a distant memory. If you're feeling slightly down, don't worry, you're not alone! We all suffer the Monday blues from time to time...

Our ‘Brighten Up Your Day' plan will give you an easy to understand yet comprehensive breakdown on how to keep both your body and mind energised and feeling good all day. It includes detailed information on tasty but still affordable ingredients that are easy to prepare. All suggestions can be included into the average person's daily routine. Using his advanced knowledge of the fitness industry, Ben also offers specialist advice on the best way to enhance your general lifestyle through the use of supplements and tips on the best ways to incorporate effective exercise into your day.


7am -Breakfast

Most people make the mistake off skipping breakfast. It is by far the most important meal of the day as it kick- starts your metabolism and gives your body essential nutrients it needs after not having food for 8-12 hours. Porridge oats, Blueberries, semi-skimmed milk, Cinnamon

Cup of Green tea

The porridge oats give you complex carbohydrates which give you a slow release of energy for up to 3 hours. The blueberries are high in anti oxidants and vitamin c to help reduce stress. The semi skimmed milk gives you protein and natural fats. Cinnamon not only helps to add flavour it also helps cells to absorb glucose better keeping energy levels consistent throughout the day. Green tea is full of anti oxidants and studies have shown that green tea extract can help increase calories burnt from fat by 18%!!

11am -Mid-morning Snack

Natural Yoghurt and Handful of mixed nuts

Cup of green Tea

The natural yoghurt provides protein, carbohydrates and probiotics while the mixed nuts are high in omega 6 fatty acids which increase energy levels.

1.30pm -Lunch

Tuna salad wholemeal pita, apple

The tuna gives you lean protein while the wholemeal pita again provides those complex carbohydrates to give you a steady release of energy. The salad will help to provide your body with those much needed vitamins and minerals.

4pm-Mid afternoon Snack

Protein smoothie (1 scoop LA Whey Protein Vanilla mixed with water with strawberries and/or Kiwi fruit)

Cup of Green Tea

Mixing the protein with water will make it easier for your body to digest the protein and also help to reduce calories the fruits are high in anti oxidants, Vitamin C and flavonoids. This tasty smoothie is very easy to prepare.

7.30pm -Dinner

Roasted chicken, rice and steamed Broccoli.

The rice provides a light form of carbohydrates that will not sit heavy on your stomach all night. The chicken provides lean protein and the broccoli contains anti oxidants and high in Vitamin C.

Eating small regular meals is the key to boosting energy levels throughout the day and also turning your body into a calorie burning machine from morning to night.

This nutrition plan contains a mixture of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and natural fats and anti oxidants to give your body everything it needs to boost energy levels.


Supplements are designed to help enhance and improve certain aspect of your dietary nutrition.

As mentioned above LA Whey Protein provides a massive 24g of lean protein per scoop. Ideal for adding extra protein to your daily nutrition plan, very convenient and easy to mix.

Also by LA Muscle is Shaper. It contains Calcium Pyruvate, studies have shown this can help to increase fat loss by 48%! It causes an increase in ‘cell respiration' causing your body to burn more calories throughout the day.

Another great product for accelerating fat loss is Body Beautiful by Femme Slender. It contains the amino acid L-Carnitine, which is responsible for taking stored fat and moving it into the muscle cells so it can be used as energy.

6 Everyday Tips

Here are 5 easy things that you can do that will improve your energy levels during the day and noticeably get you into better shape.

Breathing Techniques - Whilst at your desk breathe in for 2 to 3 seconds, hold, and release for approximately 5 to 6 seconds. The oxygen releases good endorphins into the blood system and will circulate around the body and into your brain. A happy mind is a happy exterior.

Park Far Away -Walking back and forth to the officebefore and after work, is great exercise that takes hardly any time at all.

Use the Stairs - Obvious but also very effective

Find Excuses to Get Up and Walk - You could go talk with a colleague about an upcoming project, rather than sending an email. You could make copies yourself. And when lunch comes, don't forget to use the stairs.

Use the Company Gym - If your company has its own gym facility....USE IT! Exercise while you work on a project if your job allows it. If you don't need to be at your desk, why not get exercise while working? Youcould also arrive 15 minutes early and leave 15 minutes lateand spendthat time exercising.American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends every body gets30 minutes of exercise for the day.

Take a lunch time stroll -You are on lunch, you are entitled to a break, so take it!! After eating lunch if you still have a bit of time to spare go for a walk around the block or to the shop (to buy water, mixed nuts or fruit).

By LA Muscle
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

LA Muscle


Biography: One of the worlds leading sports nutrition company.

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